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[[Category:Homebrew Items]][[Category:Custom Items]]
[[Category:Homebrew Items]][[Category:Custom Items]][[Category:solarisprimes items]]
====Very Rare, Requires Attunement by BLARG====
====Very Rare, Requires Attunement====
Granted for service to Vanalir and her mistress, These Comically large Axe and Sword are a pair, that when wielded together, can be carried by the tiny Goblin known as Blarg. Wielding this deadly combo, Blarg can spin around, hitting everyone within 10ft from him. they must make a Dex Save or take his proficiency bonus amount of d8[magical slashing] damage on a fail, and half on a success.
Granted for service to Vanalir and her mistress, These Comically large Axe and Sword are a pair, that when wielded together, can be carried by the tiny Goblin known as Blarg. Wielding this deadly combo, Blarg can spin around, hitting everyone within 10ft from him. they must make a Dex Save or take his proficiency bonus amount of d8[magical slashing] damage on a fail, and half on a success.

Latest revision as of 15:37, 21 April 2024

Very Rare, Requires Attunement



Granted for service to Vanalir and her mistress, These Comically large Axe and Sword are a pair, that when wielded together, can be carried by the tiny Goblin known as Blarg. Wielding this deadly combo, Blarg can spin around, hitting everyone within 10ft from him. they must make a Dex Save or take his proficiency bonus amount of d8[magical slashing] damage on a fail, and half on a success.


  - type: condition
    condition: level > 10
      - type: condition
        condition: level > 15
          - type: variable
            name: weapbonus
            value: "3"
          - type: variable
            name: weapbonus
            value: "2"
        errorBehaviour: "false"
      - type: variable
        name: weapbonus
        value: "1"
    errorBehaviour: "false"
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == ""
      - type: text
        text: Granted for service to Vanalir and her mistress, These Comically large Axe
          and Sword are a pair, that when wielded together, can be carried by
          the tiny Goblin known as Blarg. Wielding this deadly combo, Blarg can
          spin around, hitting everyone within 10ft from him. they must make a
          Dex Save or take {{proficiencyBonus}}d8[slashing] damage on a fail,
          and half on a success.
        title: MEGA BLARG COMBO
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: "false"
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == "choppy"
      - type: text
        text: Granted for service to Vanalir and her mistress, These Comically large Axe
          has a magical property that increases based on Blarg's Level. the
          weapon does 1d12 [magical slashing] damage.
        title: MEGA CHOPPY
      - type: target
        target: all
          - type: attack
              - type: damage
                damage: 1d12ro<3 + {strengthMod} + {weapbonus}[magical slashing]
                overheal: false
            miss: []
            attackBonus: proficiencyBonus + strengthMod + weapbonus
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: "false"
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == "stabby"
      - type: text
        text: Granted for service to Vanalir and her mistress, These Comically large
          Sword has a magical property that increases based on Blarg's Level.
          the weapon does 2d6 [magical slashing] damage.
        title: MEGA STABBY
      - type: target
        target: all
          - type: attack
              - type: damage
                damage: 2d6ro<3 + {strengthMod} + {weapbonus}[magical slashing]
                overheal: false
            miss: []
            attackBonus: proficiencyBonus + strengthMod + weapbonus
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: "false"
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == "blargnado"
      - type: text
        text: Granted for service to Vanalir and her mistress, These Comically large Axe
          and Sword are a pair, that when wielded together, can be carried by
          the tiny Goblin known as Blarg. Wielding this deadly combo, Blarg can
          spin around, hitting everyone within 10ft from him. they must make a
          Dex Save or take his proficiency bonus worth of d8s for damage on a
          fail, and half on a success. The MEGA BLARGNADO has a recharge of 5-6
          out of 1d6.
        title: MEGA BLARGNADO
      - type: roll
        dice: "{proficiencyBonus}d8[magical slashing]"
        name: dmg
        hidden: false
      - type: target
        target: all
          - type: save
            stat: dex
              - type: damage
                damage: "{dmg}"
                overheal: false
              - type: damage
                damage: "{dmg}/2"
                overheal: false
            dc: 8 + strengthMod + weapbonus + proficiencyBonus
      - type: target
        target: self
          - type: ieffect2
            name: Blargnado Used
            duration: null
            effects: null
            attacks: []
              - label: Recharge Blargnado
                  - type: roll
                    dice: 1d6
                    name: recharge
                    hidden: false
                  - type: condition
                    condition: int(recharge) >=5
                      - type: remove_ieffect
                      - type: text
                        text: "{{}} recharges Blargnado!"
                        title: Effect
                      - type: text
                        text: "{{}} Does not recharge Blargnado..."
                        title: Effect
                    errorBehaviour: "false"
                verb: null
                style: "1"
                defaultDC: null
                defaultAttackBonus: null
                defaultCastingMod: null
            end: false
            conc: false
            desc: null
            stacking: false
            save_as: null
            parent: null
            target_self: false
            tick_on_caster: false
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: "false"
_v: 2
proper: true
verb: Channels Darksouls with