Dragon's Stone: Difference between revisions

From Soul Co, Your Home for inclusive DnD
(Created page with "Category:Homebrew ItemsCategory:Custom Items ====Very Rare, Requires Attunement by ???==== File:???.jpg ==Description== Granted for services to Faeyis and her mistress, his gem was once a chipped tooth of the Great Dragon Riloth, carefully chiseled into an exquisite gem allows its bearer to cast Mold Earth, Shape Water, Control Flames, Gust, and Druidcraft at will. It also has 3 charges that can be used to cast Feather Fall, Maximilians Earthen Grasp, or Fir...")
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(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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[[Category:Homebrew Items]][[Category:Custom Items]]
[[Category:Homebrew Items]][[Category:Custom Items]][[Category: scorpi6163s Items]]
====Very Rare, Requires Attunement by ???====
====Very Rare, Requires Attunement====
Granted for services to Faeyis and her mistress, his gem was once a chipped tooth of the Great Dragon Riloth, carefully chiseled into an exquisite gem allows its bearer to cast Mold Earth, Shape Water, Control Flames, Gust, and Druidcraft at will.
Granted for services to Faeyis and her mistress, his gem was once a chipped tooth of the Great Dragon Riloth, carefully chiseled into an exquisite gem allows its bearer to cast Mold Earth, Shape Water, Control Flames, Gust, and Druidcraft at will.

Latest revision as of 18:07, 24 April 2024

Very Rare, Requires Attunement



Granted for services to Faeyis and her mistress, his gem was once a chipped tooth of the Great Dragon Riloth, carefully chiseled into an exquisite gem allows its bearer to cast Mold Earth, Shape Water, Control Flames, Gust, and Druidcraft at will.

It also has 3 charges that can be used to cast Feather Fall, Maximilians Earthen Grasp, or Fireball at the lowest level. If all of the charges are expended, the bearer can instead use their own spell slots. If they are used this way, they can be upcast but cannot exceed 5th level.



ch = character()
cc = "Dragons Stone"
help = 0
a  = &ARGS&
pic = "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1115981952403656815/1167937126684434472/rt1.png?ex=654ff136&is=653d7c36&hm=f45d6b9bfcea64812dd28032a9ffceeb33f0aff3715a01b2c578799720d3b1e8&="
lv = 0

    errhand = a[0].lower()
    help = 1
ch.create_cc_nx(cc, 0, 3, "long", "bubble", None, 3, cc, "Dragons Stone", 3)

if help == 1:
    return f'embed -title "Dragons Stone" -f "Dragons Stone|Granted for services to Faeyis and her mistress, his gem was once a chipped tooth of the Great Dragon Riloth, carefully chiseled into an exquisite gem allows its bearer to cast Mold Earth, Shape Water, Control Flames, Gust, and Druidcraft at will. \n It also has 3 charges that can be used to cast Feather Fall, Maximilians Earthen Grasp, or Fireball at the lowest level.  If all of the charges are expended, the bearer can instead use their own spell slots.  If they are used this way, they can be upcast but cannot exceed 5th level." -f "Usage| `!dstone gust`, `!dstone control`, `!dstone shape`, `!dstone mold`, `!dstone druidcraft` can all be used to cast their respective cantrips.  Accepts all normal casting arguments. \n\n `!dstone feather`, `!dstone grasp`, and `!dstone fireball` can be used to cast those spells.  It will automatically use charges.  If you are out of charges and wish to upcast, you need to specify the level like so: `!dstone fireball 5`.  It caps at 5 and will not accept a minimum of below the spell level.  Accepts all normal casting arguments EXCEPT `-l` for level." -thumb {pic}  -f "Charges|{ch.cc_str(cc)}" -footer "Created by @DrakurRedragon for Scorpi on SoulCo"'
    use = a[0].lower()

if use == "mold":
	return f'cast "Mold Earth" -i -thumb {pic} -phrase "Using the Dragons Stone" {cast_args}'

elif use == "control":
	return f'cast "Control Flames" -i -thumb {pic} -phrase "Using the Dragons Stone" {cast_args}'

elif use == "shape":
	return f'cast "Shape Water" -i -thumb {pic} -phrase "Using the Dragons Stone" {cast_args}'

elif use == "gust":
	return f'cast "Gust" -i -thumb {pic} -phrase "Using the Dragons Stone" {cast_args}'
elif use == "druidcraft":
	return f'cast "Druidcraft" -i -thumb {pic} -phrase "Using the Dragons Stone" {cast_args}'

elif use == "feather":
	if ch.get_cc(cc) < 1:
			lv = int(a[1])
			return f'embed -title "Dragons Stone" -f "Oops|You need to properly specify a level" -thumb {pic} -footer "Created by @DrakurRedragon for Scorpi on SoulCo"'
		if lv > 5:
			lv == 5
		elif lv < 1:
			lv == 1
		if ch.spellbook.get_slots(lv) > 0:
			ch.spellbook.set_slots(lv, ch.spellbook.get_slots(lv) - 1)
			return f'cast "Feather Fall" -i -thumb {pic} -phrase "Using the Dragons Stone and your spellslots, Slots remaining: {ch.spellbook.get_slots(lv)}" {cast_args} -l {lv}'
			return f'embed -title "Dragons Stone" -f "Not Enough Resources|You dont have spell slots or charges" -thumb {pic}'
		ch.mod_cc(cc, -1)
		return f'cast "Feather Fall" -i -thumb {pic} -phrase "Using the Dragons Stone, charges left: {ch.cc_str(cc)}" {cast_args} -l 1'

elif use == "grasp":
	if ch.get_cc(cc) < 1:
			lv = int(a[1])
			return f'embed -title "Dragons Stone" -f "Oops|You need to properly specify a level" -thumb {pic} -footer "Created by @DrakurRedragon for Scorpi on SoulCo"'
		if lv > 5:
			lv == 5
		elif lv < 2:
			lv == 2
		if ch.spellbook.get_slots(lv) > 0:
			ch.spellbook.set_slots(lv, ch.spellbook.get_slots(lv) - 1)
			return f'cast "Maximilians Earthen Grasp" -i -thumb {pic} -phrase "Using the Dragons Stone and your spellslots, Slots remaining: {ch.spellbook.get_slots(lv)}" {cast_args} -l {lv}'
			return f'embed -title "Dragons Stone" -f "Not Enough Resources|You dont have spell slots or charges" -thumb {pic}'
		ch.mod_cc(cc, -1)
		return f'cast "Maximilians Earthen Grasp" -i -thumb {pic} -phrase "Using the Dragons Stone, charges left: {ch.cc_str(cc)}" {cast_args} -l 2'

elif use == "fireball":
	if ch.get_cc(cc) < 1:
			lv = int(a[1])
			return f'embed -title "Dragons Stone" -f "Oops|You need to properly specify a level" -thumb {pic} -footer "Created by @DrakurRedragon for Scorpi on SoulCo"'
		if lv > 5:
			lv == 5
		elif lv < 3:
			lv == 3
		if ch.spellbook.get_slots(lv) > 0:
			ch.spellbook.set_slots(lv, ch.spellbook.get_slots(lv) - 1)
			return f'cast "fireball" -i -thumb {pic} -phrase "Using the Dragons Stone and your spellslots, Slots remaining: {ch.spellbook.get_slots(lv)}" {cast_args} -l {lv}'
			return f'embed -title "Dragons Stone" -f "Not Enough Resources|You dont have spell slots or charges" -thumb {pic}'
		ch.mod_cc(cc, -1)
		return f'cast "fireball" -i -thumb {pic} -phrase "Using the Dragons Stone, charges left: {ch.cc_str(cc)}" {cast_args} -l 3'

    return f'embed -title "Dragons Stone" -f "Dragons Stone|Granted for services to Faeyis and her mistress, his gem was once a chipped tooth of the Great Dragon Riloth, carefully chiseled into an exquisite gem allows its bearer to cast Mold Earth, Shape Water, Control Flames, Gust, and Druidcraft at will. \n It also has 3 charges that can be used to cast Feather Fall, Maximilians Earthen Grasp, or Fireball at the lowest level.  If all of the charges are expended, the bearer can instead use their own spell slots.  If they are used this way, they can be upcast but cannot exceed 5th level." -f "Usage| `!dstone gust`, `!dstone control`, `!dstone shape`, `!dstone mold`, `!dstone druidcraft` can all be used to cast their respective cantrips.  Accepts all normal casting arguments. \n\n `!dstone feather`, `!dstone grasp`, and `!dstone fireball` can be used to cast those spells.  It will automatically use charges.  If you are out of charges and wish to upcast, you need to specify the level like so: `!dstone fireball 5`.  It caps at 5 and will not accept a minimum of below the spell level.  Accepts all normal casting arguments EXCEPT `-l` for level." -thumb {pic}  -f "Charges|{ch.cc_str(cc)}" -footer "Created by @DrakurRedragon for Scorpi on SoulCo"'