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[[Category:Homebrew Items]][[Category:Custom Items]]
[[Category:Homebrew Items]][[Category:Custom Items]][[Category: jadesjadeds Items]]
====Very Rare, Requires Attunement by Moz====
====Very Rare, Requires Attunement====
Granted for service to Faeyis and her mistress, Blitz Knuckles provides more than just a cushion for your enemies to prevent their death. Each blow deals an additional 1d8 Force damage, as well as giving you a plethora or Special Abilities! This weapon also grows with its user, becoming stronger as their owner does as well.   
Granted for service to Faeyis and her mistress, Blitz Knuckles provides more than just a cushion for your enemies to prevent their death. Each blow deals an additional 1d8 Force damage, as well as giving you a plethora or Special Abilities! This weapon also grows with its user, becoming stronger as their owner does as well.   

Latest revision as of 17:48, 24 April 2024

Very Rare, Requires Attunement



Granted for service to Faeyis and her mistress, Blitz Knuckles provides more than just a cushion for your enemies to prevent their death. Each blow deals an additional 1d8 Force damage, as well as giving you a plethora or Special Abilities! This weapon also grows with its user, becoming stronger as their owner does as well.

Blitzes are the Special abilities these knuckles provide, each one costs 1 Ki Point, replaces one attack, and can only be used once per short rest. One turn can contain up to two Blitzes.


_v: 2
name: Blitz Knuckles
  - type: variable
    name: monklevel
    value: MonkLevel
    onError: "0"
  - type: condition
    condition: monklevel < 5
      - type: variable
        name: weapdamage
        value: "4"
      - type: condition
        condition: monklevel < 11
          - type: variable
            name: weapdamage
            value: "6"
          - type: condition
            condition: monklevel < 17
              - type: variable
                name: weapdamage
                value: "8"
              - type: variable
                name: weapdamage
                value: "10"
            errorBehaviour: "false"
        errorBehaviour: "false"
    errorBehaviour: "false"
  - type: condition
    condition: level > 10
      - type: condition
        condition: level > 15
          - type: variable
            name: weapbonus
            value: "3"
          - type: variable
            name: weapbonus
            value: "2"
        errorBehaviour: "false"
      - type: variable
        name: weapbonus
        value: "1"
    errorBehaviour: "false"
  - type: condition
    condition: strengthMod > dexterityMod
      - type: variable
        name: weapmod
        value: strengthMod
      - type: variable
        name: weapmod
        value: dexterityMod
    errorBehaviour: "false"
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == "attack"
      - type: text
        text: >-
          Granted for service to Faeyis and her mistress, Blitz Knuckles provides
          more than just a cushion for your enemies to prevent their death. Each
          blow deals an additional 1d8 Force damage, as well as giving you a
          plethora or Special Abilities! This weapon also grows with its user,
          becoming stronger as their owner does as well.  

          Blitzes are the Special abilities these knuckles provide, each one costs 1 Ki Point, replaces one attack, and can only be used once per short rest. One turn can contain up to two Blitzes.
        title: Blitz Knuckles
      - type: target
        target: each
          - type: attack
              - type: damage
                damage: 1d{weapdamage} + {weapmod} + {weapbonus}[bludgeoning] + 1d8[force]
                overheal: false
            miss: []
            attackBonus: proficiencyBonus + weapmod + weapbonus
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: raise
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == "pummel"
      - type: text
        text: >-
          Granted for service to Faeyis and her mistress, Blitz Knuckles provides
          more than just a cushion for your enemies to prevent their death. Each
          blow deals an additional 1d8 Force damage, as well as giving you a
          plethora or Special Abilities! This weapon also grows with its user,
          becoming stronger as their owner does as well.  

          Blitzes are the Special abilities these knuckles provide, each one costs 1 Ki Point, replaces one attack, and can only be used once per short rest. One turn can contain up to two Blitzes.

          Pummel: If you use flurry of blows and direct all attack actions at the same target, you can immediately use another flurry of blows.
        title: "Blitz Knuckles: Pummel"
      - type: counter
          id: 1024
          typeId: 222216831
        amount: "1"
        allowOverflow: false
        errorBehaviour: raise
        fixedValue: true
      - type: target
        target: all
          - type: attack
              - type: damage
                damage: 1d{weapdamage} + {weapmod} + {weapbonus}[bludgeoning] + 1d8[force]
                overheal: false
            miss: []
            attackBonus: proficiencyBonus + weapmod + weapbonus
          - type: attack
              - type: damage
                damage: 1d{weapdamage} + {weapmod} + {weapbonus}[bludgeoning] + 1d8[force]
                overheal: false
            miss: []
            attackBonus: proficiencyBonus + weapmod + weapbonus
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: raise
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == "aurabolt"
      - type: text
        text: >-
          Granted for service to Faeyis and her mistress, Blitz Knuckles provides
          more than just a cushion for your enemies to prevent their death. Each
          blow deals an additional 1d8 Force damage, as well as giving you a
          plethora or Special Abilities! This weapon also grows with its user,
          becoming stronger as their owner does as well.  

          Blitzes are the Special abilities these knuckles provide, each one costs 1 Ki Point, replaces one attack, and can only be used once per short rest. One turn can contain up to two Blitzes.

          Aura Bolt: Blast a single enemy with a bolt of holy energy, which deals 2d8 radiant damage and inflicts blindness. Ranged attack.
        title: "Blitz Knuckles: Aura Bolt"
      - type: counter
          id: 1024
          typeId: 222216831
        amount: "1"
        allowOverflow: false
        errorBehaviour: raise
        fixedValue: true
      - type: target
        target: all
          - type: attack
              - type: damage
                damage: 2d8[radiant]
                overheal: false
              - type: ieffect2
                name: Blinded
                attacks: []
                  - automation:
                      - type: target
                        target: self
                          - type: save
                            stat: dex
                            fail: []
                              - type: remove_ieffect
                                removeParent: if_no_children
                    label: Resist Blindness
                    verb: attempts to resist Blindness
                    style: "1"
                    defaultDC: lastSaveDC
                end: false
                conc: false
                stacking: false
                target_self: false
                tick_on_caster: false
            miss: []
            attackBonus: proficiencyBonus + weapmod + weapbonus
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: raise
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == "supplex"
      - type: text
        text: >-
          Granted for service to Faeyis and her mistress, Blitz Knuckles provides
          more than just a cushion for your enemies to prevent their death. Each
          blow deals an additional 1d8 Force damage, as well as giving you a
          plethora or Special Abilities! This weapon also grows with its user,
          becoming stronger as their owner does as well.  

          Blitzes are the Special abilities these knuckles provide, each one costs 1 Ki Point, replaces one attack, and can only be used once per short rest. One turn can contain up to two Blitzes.

          Supplex (Meteor Strike): Grapple one enemy and hurl them into the ground for 2d6 bludgeoning damage, plus 1d6 for every 10 feet they fall (increased to 1d8 if you fall together). This attack can be combined with your movement. If the target fails a Strength saving throw (monk DC), it is restrained while grappled.
        title: "Blitz Knuckles: Supplex (Meteor Strike)"
      - type: counter
          id: 1024
          typeId: 222216831
        amount: "1"
        allowOverflow: false
        errorBehaviour: raise
      - type: target
        target: 1
          - type: check
              - acrobatics
              - athletics
              - athletics
              - type: ieffect2
                name: Grappled
                attacks: []
                  - automation:
                      - type: target
                        target: children
                          - type: check
                              - athletics
                              - acrobatics
                              - athletics
                              - type: remove_ieffect
                            contestTie: fail
                            success: []
                    label: Escape Grapple
                    verb: attempts to break out of the grapple
                    style: "3"
                end: false
                conc: false
                desc: Grappled by {{}}
                stacking: false
                save_as: grapple
                target_self: false
                tick_on_caster: false
            contestTie: neither
            success: []
      - type: condition
        condition: not lastCheckDidPass
          - type: target
            target: self
              - type: ieffect2
                name: Grappling
                attacks: []
                  - automation:
                      - type: remove_ieffect
                        removeParent: always
                    label: Release Grapple
                    verb: lets go of their target
                    style: "1"
                end: false
                conc: false
                desc: Grappling {{targets[0].name if str(targets[0])!=targets[0] else
                stacking: false
                parent: grapple
                target_self: false
                tick_on_caster: false
          - type: target
            target: all
              - type: damage
                damage: 2d6[bludgeoning]
                overheal: false
              - type: save
                stat: str
                  - type: ieffect2
                    name: Restrained
                    attacks: []
                      - automation:
                          - type: target
                            target: self
                              - type: save
                                stat: dex
                                fail: []
                                  - type: remove_ieffect
                                    removeParent: if_no_children
                        label: Resist Restrained
                        verb: attempts to resist Restrained
                        style: "1"
                        defaultDC: lastSaveDC
                    end: false
                    conc: false
                    desc: If the target fails a Strength saving throw (monk DC), it is restrained
                      while grappled.
                    stacking: false
                    target_self: false
                    tick_on_caster: false
                success: []
        onFalse: []
        errorBehaviour: "false"
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: raise
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == "risingpheonix"
      - type: text
        text: >-
          Granted for service to Faeyis and her mistress, Blitz Knuckles provides
          more than just a cushion for your enemies to prevent their death. Each
          blow deals an additional 1d8 Force damage, as well as giving you a
          plethora or Special Abilities! This weapon also grows with its user,
          becoming stronger as their owner does as well.  

          Blitzes are the Special abilities these knuckles provide, each one costs 1 Ki Point, replaces one attack, and can only be used once per short rest. One turn can contain up to two Blitzes.

          Rising Phoenix (Fire Dance): Deal 1d8 fire damage to all enemies within 10 feet of you. If the targets fail a Dex saving throw, they are on fire and take 1d6 fire damage at the start of each turn. It takes an action to douse these flames.
        title: "Blitz Knuckles: Rising Phoenix (Fire Dance)"
      - type: counter
          id: 1024
          typeId: 222216831
        amount: "1"
        allowOverflow: false
        errorBehaviour: raise
      - type: target
        target: all
          - type: damage
            damage: 1d8[fire]
            overheal: false
          - type: save
            stat: dex
              - type: ieffect2
                name: On Fire
                attacks: []
                  - automation:
                      - type: target
                        target: self
                          - type: damage
                            damage: 1d6 [fire]
                            overheal: false
                    label: On Fire
                    verb: is burned by the fire
                    style: "4"
                  - automation:
                      - type: remove_ieffect
                    label: Douse Flame
                    verb: spends their action putting out the fire
                    style: "3"
                end: false
                conc: false
                desc: |-
                  Target takes 1d6 fire damage at the start of their turn
                   - Can spend an action to douse the flames
                stacking: false
                target_self: false
                tick_on_caster: false
            success: []
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: raise
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == "razorgale"
      - type: text
        text: >-
          Granted for service to Faeyis and her mistress, Blitz Knuckles provides
          more than just a cushion for your enemies to prevent their death. Each
          blow deals an additional 1d8 Force damage, as well as giving you a
          plethora or Special Abilities! This weapon also grows with its user,
          becoming stronger as their owner does as well.  

          Blitzes are the Special abilities these knuckles provide, each one costs 1 Ki Point, replaces one attack, and can only be used once per short rest. One turn can contain up to two Blitzes.

          Razor Gale: Slash at all enemies within 15 feet with a cutting wind. 1d8[slashing], knocked prone on Dex save failure.
        title: "Blitz Knuckles: Razor Gale"
      - type: counter
          id: 1024
          typeId: 222216831
        amount: "1"
        allowOverflow: false
        errorBehaviour: raise
      - type: target
        target: all
          - type: damage
            damage: 1d8[slashing]
            overheal: false
          - type: save
            stat: dex
              - type: ieffect2
                name: Prone
                  attack_advantage: "-1"
                attacks: []
                  - automation:
                      - type: remove_ieffect
                    label: Stand Up
                    verb: stands up
                end: false
                conc: false
                desc: A prone creature's only movement option is to crawl, unless it stands up
                  and thereby ends the condition
                stacking: false
                target_self: false
                tick_on_caster: false
            success: []
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: raise
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == "chakra"
      - type: text
        text: >-
          Granted for service to Faeyis and her mistress, Blitz Knuckles provides
          more than just a cushion for your enemies to prevent their death. Each
          blow deals an additional 1d8 Force damage, as well as giving you a
          plethora or Special Abilities! This weapon also grows with its user,
          becoming stronger as their owner does as well.  

          Blitzes are the Special abilities these knuckles provide, each one costs 1 Ki Point, replaces one attack, and can only be used once per short rest. One turn can contain up to two Blitzes.

          Chakra: When you use your Hand of Healing, you can heal up to two additional targets. Can be used twice per combat.
        title: "Blitz Knuckles: Chakra"
      - type: counter
          id: 1024
          typeId: 222216831
        amount: "1"
        allowOverflow: false
        errorBehaviour: raise
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: raise
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == "soulspiral"
      - type: text
        text: >-
          Granted for service to Faeyis and her mistress, Blitz Knuckles provides
          more than just a cushion for your enemies to prevent their death. Each
          blow deals an additional 1d8 Force damage, as well as giving you a
          plethora or Special Abilities! This weapon also grows with its user,
          becoming stronger as their owner does as well.  

          Blitzes are the Special abilities these knuckles provide, each one costs 1 Ki Point, replaces one attack, and can only be used once per short rest. One turn can contain up to two Blitzes.

          Soul Spiral: Restore 30 hp to a fallen ally & remove any curses or other negative status effects, at the cost of half of your own remaining hp.
        title: "Blitz Knuckles: Soul Spira"
      - type: counter
          id: 1024
          typeId: 222216831
        amount: "1"
        allowOverflow: false
        errorBehaviour: raise
      - type: target
        target: all
          - type: damage
            damage: -30[heal]
            overheal: false
      - type: target
        target: self
          - type: damage
            damage: "{target.hp}/2"
            overheal: false
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: raise
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == "bumrush"
      - type: text
        text: >-
          Granted for service to Faeyis and her mistress, Blitz Knuckles provides
          more than just a cushion for your enemies to prevent their death. Each
          blow deals an additional 1d8 Force damage, as well as giving you a
          plethora or Special Abilities! This weapon also grows with its user,
          becoming stronger as their owner does as well.  

          Blitzes are the Special abilities these knuckles provide, each one costs 1 Ki Point, replaces one attack, and can only be used once per short rest. One turn can contain up to two Blitzes.

          Bum Rush: Deal massive non-elemental magic damage to one enemy. 4d10[magical], uses 2 attack actions & 2 Ki Points.
        title: "Blitz Knuckles: Bum Rush"
      - type: counter
          id: 1024
          typeId: 222216831
        amount: "2"
        allowOverflow: false
        errorBehaviour: raise
      - type: target
        target: each
          - type: attack
              - type: damage
                damage: 4d10[magical]
                overheal: false
            miss: []
            attackBonus: proficiencyBonus + weapmod + weapbonus
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: raise
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == "karma"
      - type: text
        text: >-
          Granted for service to Faeyis and her mistress, Blitz Knuckles provides
          more than just a cushion for your enemies to prevent their death. Each
          blow deals an additional 1d8 Force damage, as well as giving you a
          plethora or Special Abilities! This weapon also grows with its user,
          becoming stronger as their owner does as well.  

          Blitzes are the Special abilities these knuckles provide, each one costs 1 Ki Point, replaces one attack, and can only be used once per short rest. One turn can contain up to two Blitzes.

          Mercy's Karma: Regain 1 Ki point after reducing an enemy to 0 hit points (nonlethal only, limit to once per turn).
        title: "Blitz Knuckles: Mercy's Karma"
      - type: counter
          id: 1024
          typeId: 222216831
        amount: "-1"
        fixedValue: true
        allowOverflow: true
        errorBehaviour: raise
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: raise
activation_type: 1

!snippet [Name] {{<drac2>
if level<10:
elif level<15:
    monkdc=8+proficiencyBonus+wisdomMod+3</drac2>}} {{f'-dc "{monkdc}" -f "Blitz Knuckles increases the dc for monk attacks by +1 until the wielder is level 10, then it increases to +2 until the wielder is level 15, then it increases to +3"'}}