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[[Category:Homebrew Items]][[Category:Custom Items]]
[[Category:Homebrew Items]][[Category:Custom Items]][[Category:ASkipinTimes items]]
====Very Rare, Requires Attunement====
====Very Rare, Requires Attunement====

Latest revision as of 16:39, 21 April 2024

Very Rare, Requires Attunement



Granted for services to Vanalir and her mistress. This wand, carved from the shadows themselves, allows the user to cast darkness at will. \n\nThe wand has 3 charges and regains all uses daily at dawn.

!wDark darkness - Casts darkness using a charge of the wand.


!alias wDark <drac2>
a  = argparse(&ARGS&)
ch = character()
cc = "Wand of Darkness"

image= "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1180866415339786342/1182658457892040794/IMG_8348.jpg?ex=65857f85&is=65730a85&hm=6c8266316a098c0b1c0469f70b043e45ed56511b4cde7327d9add572a5964790& "
ch.create_cc_nx(cc, 0, 3, "long", "bubble")

help_text = f'''embed -title "Wand of Darkness" -desc "Granted for services to Vanalir and her mistress. This wand, carved from the shadows themselves, allows the user to cast darkness at will. \n\nThe wand has 3 charges and regains all uses daily at dawn." -f "Usage|`!wDark darkness` - Casts darkness using a charge of the wand." -thumb {image}  -f "Charges|{ch.cc_str(cc)}" -footer "Created by `@solarisprime` for askipintime on SoulCo" '''

if not &ARGS&:
    return help_text 

i = a.get('i')
v = i or ch.get_cc(cc)

if "&1&".lower() == "darkness":
  if v:
    i or ch.mod_cc(cc, -1)
    return f'''cast "darkness" -i -thumb {image} -phrase "Using the Wand of Darkness"  &*& -f "{cc}|{ch.cc_str(cc)} {'_charges ignored_' if i else '(-1)'}" '''
    return f'''embed -title "Out of charges!" -desc "The Wand of Darkness has no more charges." -f "{cc}|{ch.cc_str(cc)}" -thumb {image} '''

    return help_text