Rogue Avrae Cheatsheet
Basic Rogue Items
Sneak Attack - uses the snippet sneak to add the damage. It auto calculates based on your level.
!a dagger sneak
Cunning Action - uses the snippet cunning to add the text that it is a bonus action
!a Disengage cunning
Steady Aim - uses the snippet steady to add the text and advantage on the roll
!a longbow steady
Uncanny Dodge - this is an action that is added. !a uncanny -amt (amount of damage dealt). So, if you are hit by an attack dealing 50 damage:
!a uncanny -amt 50
Evasion - this is an alias, !evasion (damage taken). This is the actual damage taken by your character, after all resistances and successful saves have been calculated. If you take 30 damage:
!evasion 30
Reliable Talent - use !csettings to set that you have Reliable Talent; it will adjust your skill rolls to be minimum of 10.