Spectral Tiara of Elemental Blades

From Soul Co, Your Home for inclusive DnD

Very Rare, Requires Attunement



Granted for services to Vanalir and her Mistress, the Spectrial Tiara of Elemental Blades grants its wearer strange blade-focused powers. For one, it grants a unique spell called Elemental Blades that must be powered by the wearer's own magics. This spell can be cast a number of times equal to half their proficiency bonus AND must use the wearer's spell slots.

The Tiara also grants an ability to summon a number of spectral swords to a point that the wearer can see within 60 ft of themselves. Each sword then be used to make a bonus action ranged spell attack with a range of 120 ft that deals 2d12 force damage, vanishing on use. If there are more than 3 swords remaining, the swords can also be used to make a reaction melee spell attack if something moves within 5 feet. In addition, if the wearer is occupying the same sqaure the blades were brought forth on, they also can a bonus to their AC equal to the number of swords remaining above 3.



ch = character()
title = "The Spectral Tiara of Elemental Blades"
foot = "!tblade | Made by DrakurRedragon for Solar on SoulCo"
basedesc = "The Spectral Tiara of Elemental Blades|Granted for services to Vanalir and her Mistress, the Spectral Tiara of Elemental Blades grants its wearer strange blade-focused powers.  For one, it grants a unique spell called Elemental Blades that must be powered by the wearer's own magics.  This spell can be cast a number of times equal to half their proficiency bonus AND must use the wearer's spell slots.  \n\n The Tiara also grants an ability to summon a number of spectral swords to a point that the wearer can see within 60 ft of themselves.  Each sword then be used to make a bonus action ranged spell attack with a range of 120 ft that deals 2d12 force damage, vanishing on use.  If there are more than 3 swords remaining, the swords can also be used to make a reaction melee spell attack if something moves within 5 feet.  In addition, if the wearer is occupying the same square the blades were brought forth on, they also can a bonus to their AC equal to the number of swords remaining above 3."
use = "Usage|`!tblade cast` - Casts Elemental Blade.\n\n`!tblade call` - Calls the blades as an action. \n\n `!tblade call ba` - Bonus Action attack with one of the summoned swords. \n\n `!tblade call self` - swords grants AC bonus while summoned around Kayy for each sword above 3. \n\n `!tblade call reaction` - grants the ability to react to an attack with a summoned sword if above 3 swords."
pic = "https://images.mysoulco.com/albums/Items/closed__diadems_adopts_15_by_rittik_designs_dcfyenc-fullview.jpg"
cc1 = title + " - Elemental Blade"
cc2 = title + " - Summon Spectral Blades"
cc1val = floor(int(proficiencyBonus/2))

#create custom counters
ch.create_cc_nx(cc1, 0, cc1val, "long", "bubble", None, cc1val, cc1, cc1, cc1val)
ch.create_cc_nx(cc2, 0, 1, "long", "bubble", None, 1, cc2, cc2, 1)

if not &ARGS&:
    return f'embed -title "{title}" -f "{basedesc}" -f "{use}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb {pic}'

    c = combat()
    person = c.get_combatant(name)
    return f'embed -title "{title}" -f "{basedesc}" -f "{use}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb {pic}'
a = &ARGS&

if a[0] == "cast":
    if ch.get_cc(cc1) > 0:
        ch.mod_cc(cc1, -1)
        return f'cast "Elemental Blade" {cast_args} -phrase "Using the Spectral Tiara of Elemental Blades Charges: {ch.cc_str(cc1)}"'
        return f'embed -title "{title}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb "{pic}" -f "Not enough charges remaining!|You are out of charges!"'
elif a[0] == "call":
    if not person.get_effect("Blades Summoned"):
        if ch.get_cc(cc2) > 0:
            ch.mod_cc(cc2, -1)
            swordcount = proficiencyBonus
            if swordcount > 3:
                if "self" in a:
                    person.add_effect("Blades Summoned",duration=10,desc=swordcount+" swords remaining",passive_effects={"ac_bonus":min(3,(swordcount-3))})
                    return f'embed -title "{title}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb "{pic}" -f "Blades Summoned!|{swordcount} swords remaining, AC bonus:{min(3,(swordcount-3))}"'
                    person.add_effect("Blades Summoned",duration=10,desc=swordcount+" swords remaining")
                    return f'embed -title "{title}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb "{pic}" -f "Blades Summoned!|{swordcount} swords remaining"'
                person.add_effect("Blades Summoned",duration=10,desc=swordcount+" swords remaining")
                return f'embed -title "{title}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb "{pic}" -f "Blades Summoned!|{swordcount} swords remaining"'
            return f'embed -title "{title}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb "{pic}" -f "Not enough charges remaining!|You are out of charges!"'
        effect = person.get_effect("Blades Summoned")
        effectdesc = effect.desc
        swordcurr = effectdesc.split(" ",1)
        swordcount = int(swordcurr[0])
        if "reaction" in a:
            if swordcount > 3:
                argsp = argparse(a)
                combatant = c.get_combatant(combatantnm)
                attroll = vroll(f"1d20+{ch.spellbook.sab}")
                swordcount = swordcount - 1
                dura = person.get_effect("Blades Summoned").duration
                if person.get_effect("Blades Summoned").effect and "ac_bonus" in person.get_effect("Blades Summoned").effect and swordcount > 3:
                    person.add_effect("Blades Summoned",duration=dura,desc=swordcount+" swords remaining",passive_effects={min(3,(swordcount-3))})
                elif swordcount > 0:
                    person.add_effect("Blades Summoned",duration=dura,desc=swordcount+" swords remaining")
                    person.remove_effect("Blades Summoned")
                if attroll.total >= combatant.ac:
                    dam = vroll(f"2d12 + {spell}")
                    dmg = dam.total
                    return f'embed -title "The Spectral Tiara of Elemental Blades, Reaction Attack" -f "Attack Hit!|{attroll} - Hit" -f "Damage|{dam} [force]" -f "Reaction Attack|As a reaction to a creature entering within 5 ft of the blades, the wielder may make a single melee spell attack against it. This attack deals 2d12 + spellcasting modifier damage." -f "{swordcount} swords remaining" -footer "{foot}"'
                    return f'embed -title "The Spectral Tiara of Elemental Blades, Reaction Attack" -f "Attack missed!|{attroll}" -f "Reaction Attack|As a reaction to a creature entering within 5 ft of the blades, the wielder may make a single melee spell attack against it. This attack deals 2d12 + spellcasting modifier damage." -f "{swordcount} swords remaining" -footer "{foot}"'
                return f'embed -title "The Spectral Tiara of Elemental Blades, Reaction Attack" -f "Not enough blades remaining!" -footer "{foot}"'
        elif "ba" in a:
            argsp = argparse(a)
            combatant = c.get_combatant(combatantnm)
            attroll = vroll(f"1d20+{ch.spellbook.sab}")
            swordcount = swordcount - 1
            dura = person.get_effect("Blades Summoned").duration
            if person.get_effect("Blades Summoned").effect and "ac_bonus" in person.get-effect("Blades Summoned").effect and swordcount > 3:
                person.add_effect("Blades Summoned",duration=dura,desc=swordcount+" swords remaining",passive_effects={min(3,(swordcount-3))})
            elif swordcount > 0:
                person.add_effect("Blades Summoned",duration=dura,desc=swordcount+" swords remaining")
                person.remove_effect("Blades Summoned")
            if attroll.total >= combatant.ac:
                dam = vroll(f"2d12 + {spell}")
                dmg = dam.total
                return f'embed -title "The Spectral Tiara of Elemental Blades, Bonus Action Attack" -f "Attack Hit!|{attroll} - Hit" -f "Damage|{dam} [force]" -f "Bonus Action Attack|As a bonus action, the wielder may make a single ranged spell attack against a target within 120 ft. This attack deals 2d12 + spellcasting modifier damage." -f "{swordcount} swords remaining \n\n {combatant.name}: {combatant.hp_str()}" -footer "{foot}"'
                return f'embed -title "The Spectral Tiara of Elemental Blades, Bonus Action Attack" -f "Attack missed!|{attroll}" -f "Bonus Action Attack|As a bonus action, the wielder may make a single ranged spell attack against a target within 120 ft.  This attack deals 2d12 + spellcasting modifier damage." -f "{swordcount} swords remaining" -footer "{foot}"'
        elif "self" in a:
            if swordcount > 3:
                person.add_effect("Blades Summoned",duration=10,desc=swordcount+" swords remaining",passive_effects={"ac_bonus":min(3,(swordcount-3))})
                return f'embed -title "{title}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb "{pic}" -f "Blades Summoned!|{swordcount} swords remaining, AC bonus:{min(3,(swordcount-3))}"'
                return f'embed -title "The Spectrial Tiara of Elemental Blades, Reaction Attack" -f "Not enough blades remaining!" -footer "{foot}"'
            return f'embed -title "{title}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb "{pic}" -f "Blades Summoned!|{swordcount} swords remaining"'
    return f'return embed -title "{title}" -f "{use}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb {pic}'