Very Rare, Requires Attunement
Granted for services to Vanalir and her Mistress, the Spectrial Tiara of Elemental Blades grants its wearer strange blade-focused powers. For one, it grants a unique spell called Elemental Blades that must be powered by the wearer's own magics. This spell can be cast a number of times equal to half their proficiency bonus AND must use the wearer's spell slots.
The Tiara also grants an ability to summon a number of spectral swords to a point that the wearer can see within 60 ft of themselves. Each sword then be used to make a bonus action ranged spell attack with a range of 120 ft that deals 2d12 force damage, vanishing on use. If there are more than 3 swords remaining, the swords can also be used to make a reaction melee spell attack if something moves within 5 feet. In addition, if the wearer is occupying the same sqaure the blades were brought forth on, they also can a bonus to their AC equal to the number of swords remaining above 3.
<drac2> ch = character() title = "The Spectral Tiara of Elemental Blades" foot = "!tblade | Made by DrakurRedragon for Solar on SoulCo" basedesc = "The Spectral Tiara of Elemental Blades|Granted for services to Vanalir and her Mistress, the Spectral Tiara of Elemental Blades grants its wearer strange blade-focused powers. For one, it grants a unique spell called Elemental Blades that must be powered by the wearer's own magics. This spell can be cast a number of times equal to half their proficiency bonus AND must use the wearer's spell slots. \n\n The Tiara also grants an ability to summon a number of spectral swords to a point that the wearer can see within 60 ft of themselves. Each sword then be used to make a bonus action ranged spell attack with a range of 120 ft that deals 2d12 force damage, vanishing on use. If there are more than 3 swords remaining, the swords can also be used to make a reaction melee spell attack if something moves within 5 feet. In addition, if the wearer is occupying the same square the blades were brought forth on, they also can a bonus to their AC equal to the number of swords remaining above 3." use = "Usage|`!tblade cast` - Casts Elemental Blade.\n\n`!tblade call` - Calls the blades as an action. \n\n `!tblade call ba` - Bonus Action attack with one of the summoned swords. \n\n `!tblade call self` - swords grants AC bonus while summoned around Kayy for each sword above 3. \n\n `!tblade call reaction` - grants the ability to react to an attack with a summoned sword if above 3 swords." pic = "" cc1 = title + " - Elemental Blade" cc2 = title + " - Summon Spectral Blades" cc1val = floor(int(proficiencyBonus/2)) #create custom counters ch.create_cc_nx(cc1, 0, cc1val, "long", "bubble", None, cc1val, cc1, cc1, cc1val) ch.create_cc_nx(cc2, 0, 1, "long", "bubble", None, 1, cc2, cc2, 1) if not &ARGS&: return f'embed -title "{title}" -f "{basedesc}" -f "{use}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb {pic}' try: c = combat() person = c.get_combatant(name) except: return f'embed -title "{title}" -f "{basedesc}" -f "{use}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb {pic}' a = &ARGS& cast_args="""&*&""" if a[0] == "cast": if ch.get_cc(cc1) > 0: ch.mod_cc(cc1, -1) return f'cast "Elemental Blade" {cast_args} -phrase "Using the Spectral Tiara of Elemental Blades Charges: {ch.cc_str(cc1)}"' else: return f'embed -title "{title}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb "{pic}" -f "Not enough charges remaining!|You are out of charges!"' elif a[0] == "call": if not person.get_effect("Blades Summoned"): if ch.get_cc(cc2) > 0: ch.mod_cc(cc2, -1) swordcount = proficiencyBonus if swordcount > 3: if "self" in a: person.add_effect("Blades Summoned",duration=10,desc=swordcount+" swords remaining",passive_effects={"ac_bonus":min(3,(swordcount-3))}) return f'embed -title "{title}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb "{pic}" -f "Blades Summoned!|{swordcount} swords remaining, AC bonus:{min(3,(swordcount-3))}"' else: person.add_effect("Blades Summoned",duration=10,desc=swordcount+" swords remaining") return f'embed -title "{title}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb "{pic}" -f "Blades Summoned!|{swordcount} swords remaining"' else: person.add_effect("Blades Summoned",duration=10,desc=swordcount+" swords remaining") return f'embed -title "{title}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb "{pic}" -f "Blades Summoned!|{swordcount} swords remaining"' else: return f'embed -title "{title}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb "{pic}" -f "Not enough charges remaining!|You are out of charges!"' else: effect = person.get_effect("Blades Summoned") effectdesc = effect.desc swordcurr = effectdesc.split(" ",1) swordcount = int(swordcurr[0]) if "reaction" in a: if swordcount > 3: argsp = argparse(a) combatantnm=argsp.last('t') combatant = c.get_combatant(combatantnm) attroll = vroll(f"1d20+{ch.spellbook.sab}") swordcount = swordcount - 1 dura = person.get_effect("Blades Summoned").duration if person.get_effect("Blades Summoned").effect and "ac_bonus" in person.get_effect("Blades Summoned").effect and swordcount > 3: person.add_effect("Blades Summoned",duration=dura,desc=swordcount+" swords remaining",passive_effects={min(3,(swordcount-3))}) elif swordcount > 0: person.add_effect("Blades Summoned",duration=dura,desc=swordcount+" swords remaining") else: person.remove_effect("Blades Summoned") if >= dam = vroll(f"2d12 + {spell}") dmg = combatant.damage(f"{dmg}[force]") return f'embed -title "The Spectral Tiara of Elemental Blades, Reaction Attack" -f "Attack Hit!|{attroll} - Hit" -f "Damage|{dam} [force]" -f "Reaction Attack|As a reaction to a creature entering within 5 ft of the blades, the wielder may make a single melee spell attack against it. This attack deals 2d12 + spellcasting modifier damage." -f "{swordcount} swords remaining" -footer "{foot}"' else: return f'embed -title "The Spectral Tiara of Elemental Blades, Reaction Attack" -f "Attack missed!|{attroll}" -f "Reaction Attack|As a reaction to a creature entering within 5 ft of the blades, the wielder may make a single melee spell attack against it. This attack deals 2d12 + spellcasting modifier damage." -f "{swordcount} swords remaining" -footer "{foot}"' else: return f'embed -title "The Spectral Tiara of Elemental Blades, Reaction Attack" -f "Not enough blades remaining!" -footer "{foot}"' elif "ba" in a: argsp = argparse(a) combatantnm=argsp.last('t') combatant = c.get_combatant(combatantnm) attroll = vroll(f"1d20+{ch.spellbook.sab}") swordcount = swordcount - 1 dura = person.get_effect("Blades Summoned").duration if person.get_effect("Blades Summoned").effect and "ac_bonus" in person.get-effect("Blades Summoned").effect and swordcount > 3: person.add_effect("Blades Summoned",duration=dura,desc=swordcount+" swords remaining",passive_effects={min(3,(swordcount-3))}) elif swordcount > 0: person.add_effect("Blades Summoned",duration=dura,desc=swordcount+" swords remaining") else: person.remove_effect("Blades Summoned") if >= dam = vroll(f"2d12 + {spell}") dmg = combatant.damage(f"{dmg}[force]") return f'embed -title "The Spectral Tiara of Elemental Blades, Bonus Action Attack" -f "Attack Hit!|{attroll} - Hit" -f "Damage|{dam} [force]" -f "Bonus Action Attack|As a bonus action, the wielder may make a single ranged spell attack against a target within 120 ft. This attack deals 2d12 + spellcasting modifier damage." -f "{swordcount} swords remaining \n\n {}: {combatant.hp_str()}" -footer "{foot}"' else: return f'embed -title "The Spectral Tiara of Elemental Blades, Bonus Action Attack" -f "Attack missed!|{attroll}" -f "Bonus Action Attack|As a bonus action, the wielder may make a single ranged spell attack against a target within 120 ft. This attack deals 2d12 + spellcasting modifier damage." -f "{swordcount} swords remaining" -footer "{foot}"' elif "self" in a: if swordcount > 3: person.add_effect("Blades Summoned",duration=10,desc=swordcount+" swords remaining",passive_effects={"ac_bonus":min(3,(swordcount-3))}) return f'embed -title "{title}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb "{pic}" -f "Blades Summoned!|{swordcount} swords remaining, AC bonus:{min(3,(swordcount-3))}"' else: return f'embed -title "The Spectrial Tiara of Elemental Blades, Reaction Attack" -f "Not enough blades remaining!" -footer "{foot}"' else: return f'embed -title "{title}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb "{pic}" -f "Blades Summoned!|{swordcount} swords remaining"' else: return f'return embed -title "{title}" -f "{use}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb {pic}' </drac2>