Syf's Deck

From Soul Co, Your Home for inclusive DnD
Revision as of 13:08, 12 May 2023 by Drakur (talk | contribs) (→‎Code)

Very Rare, Requires Attunement by ???




name: Draw
  - type: counter
    counter: Draw
    amount: "1"
    allowOverflow: false
    errorBehaviour: raise
  - type: roll
    dice: 1d8
    name: drawroll
    hidden: true
  - type: condition
    condition: drawroll == 1
      - type: text
        text: |-
          Target of your choice receives a bonus of 1d6 damage

          `!syfdeck target 1`
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: "false"
  - type: condition
    condition: drawroll == 2
      - type: text
        text: |-
          Damage dealt to a target of your choice is reduced by 1d6

          `!syfdeck target 2`
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: "false"
  - type: condition
    condition: drawroll == 3
      - type: text
        text: >-
          Target of your choice gains an additional attack when they use the attack

          `!syfdeck target 3`
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: "false"
  - type: condition
    condition: drawroll == 4
      - type: text
        text: >-
          Target of your choice has their attacks crit on a 19 or 20 (unless they
          have an ability that provides a better crit range).

          `!syfdeck target 4`
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: "false"
  - type: condition
    condition: drawroll == 5
      - type: text
        text: |-
          Target can use this effect in place of spell slot up to 2nd

          `!syfdeck target 5`
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: "false"
  - type: condition
    condition: drawroll == 6
      - type: text
        text: |-
          Target can use this effect to restore 1 non spell slot ability usage.

          `!syfdeck target 6`
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: "false"
  - type: condition
    condition: drawroll == 7
      - type: text
        text: |-
          Target's movement speed increases by 10 ft

          `!syfdeck target 7`
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: "false"
  - type: condition
    condition: drawroll == 8
      - type: text
        text: >-
          Target can use their reaction when targeted by a hostile effect to also
          target the originator with the same effect.  The originator may still
          make saving throws as normal, utilizing the original DCs.

          `!syfdeck target 8`
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: "false"
_v: 2
verb: uses

!cc create Draw -title Draw -reset long -type bubble -min 0 -max 2 -value 2 -desc "Draws a card from the deck"

An alias now exists, !syfdeck, with the following code:

c  = combat()
a  = &ARGS&
args   = argparse(a[1:])
target = a[:1][0]
combatant = c.get_combatant(target)

if card == 1:
    combatant.add_effect("Damage Boost", duration=4)
    cardname="a Damage Boost"
    F="Target of your choice receives a bonus of 1d6 damage, `-b 1d6`."
if card == 2:
    combatant.add_effect("Damage Reduction", duration=4)
    cardname="a Damage Reduction"
    F="Damage dealt to a target of your choice is reduced by 1d6, `!hp +1d6`."
if card == 3:
    combatant.add_effect("Extra Attack", duration=4)
    cardname="an Extra attack"
    F="Target of your choice gains an additional attack when they use the attack action."
if card == 4:
    combatant.add_effect("Crit 19-20", duration=4)
    cardname="a Crit Range increase"
    F="Target of your choice has their attacks crit on a 19 or 20 (unless they have an ability that provides a better crit range) `-criton 19`."
if card == 5:
    combatant.add_effect("Spell Slot", duration=4)
    cardname="a Spell Slot"
    F="Target can use this effect in place of spell slot up to 2nd, once used, `!i re yourname Spell`"
if card == 6:
    combatant.add_effect("Ability Use", duration=4)
    cardname="an Ability Use"
    F="Target can use this effect to restore 1 non spell slot ability usage, once used, `!i re yourname Ability`."
if card == 7:
    combatant.add_effect("Speed Up", duration=4)
    cardname="a Movement Increase"
    F="Target's movement speed increases by 10 ft."
if card == 8:
    combatant.add_effect("Reverse", duration=4)
    cardname="an Uno Reverse"
    F="Target can use their reaction when targeted by a hostile effect to also target the originator with the same effect. The originator may still make saving throws as normal, utilizing the original DCs.  Once used, `!i re yourname Reverse`."
T = f"{name} provides {cardname} to {target}"
-title "{{T}}"
-f "{{F}}"
-thumb "{{thumb}}"