Wand of Darkness

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Very Rare, Requires Attunement



Granted for services to Vanalir and her mistress. This wand, carved from the shadows themselves, allows the user to cast darkness at will. \n\nThe wand has 3 charges and regains all uses daily at dawn.

!wDark darkness - Casts darkness using a charge of the wand.


!alias wDark <drac2>
a  = argparse(&ARGS&)
ch = character()
cc = "Wand of Darkness"

image= "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1180866415339786342/1182658457892040794/IMG_8348.jpg?ex=65857f85&is=65730a85&hm=6c8266316a098c0b1c0469f70b043e45ed56511b4cde7327d9add572a5964790& "
ch.create_cc_nx(cc, 0, 3, "long", "bubble")

help_text = f'''embed -title "Wand of Darkness" -desc "Granted for services to Vanalir and her mistress. This wand, carved from the shadows themselves, allows the user to cast darkness at will. \n\nThe wand has 3 charges and regains all uses daily at dawn." -f "Usage|`!wDark darkness` - Casts darkness using a charge of the wand." -thumb {image}  -f "Charges|{ch.cc_str(cc)}" -footer "Created by `@solarisprime` for askipintime on SoulCo" '''

if not &ARGS&:
    return help_text 

i = a.get('i')
v = i or ch.get_cc(cc)

if "&1&".lower() == "darkness":
  if v:
    i or ch.mod_cc(cc, -1)
    return f'''cast "darkness" -i -thumb {image} -phrase "Using the Wand of Darkness"  &*& -f "{cc}|{ch.cc_str(cc)} {'_charges ignored_' if i else '(-1)'}" '''
    return f'''embed -title "Out of charges!" -desc "The Wand of Darkness has no more charges." -f "{cc}|{ch.cc_str(cc)}" -thumb {image} '''

    return help_text