Amulet of the Serpent Sorceress

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Very Rare, Requires Attunement



Granted for services to Vanalir and her Mistress, this amulet is designed especially for the Sorceress Lylia. It provides a scaling bonus to spell attack and save DCs (+1 that increases to +2 at 10th level and +3 at 15th level) and has a number of charges equal to her proficiency bonus. For a single charge, while casting a spell, Lylia can reroll all 1s on the damage dice and ignore the necrotic resistance of her target. Once per day, Lylia can, as either a bonus action or as part of the use of sorcery points, expend all remaining charges of the amulet to provide a number of sorcery points equal to the remaining charges. If used as part of a use of sorcery points, these new ones can be used to fuel that use as well. The wielder can also expend all charges when casting a necrotic spell to deal maximum damage instead of rolling.


!snippet serpent {{character().mod_cc("Serpent Amulet", -1, True) if character().cc("Serpent Amulet").value > character().cc("Serpent Amulet").min else err("You are out of charges.")}} -f "Serpent Amulet|{{character().cc_str("Serpent Amulet")}}" -mi 2 -thumb -neutral necrotic
!snippet serpentmax {{character().set_cc("Serpent Amulet", 0, True) if character().cc("Serpent Amulet").value > character().cc("Serpent Amulet").min else err("You are out of charges.")}} -f "Serpent Amulet|{{character().cc_str("Serpent Amulet")}}" -max -thumb -neutral necrotic
!cc create "Serpent Amulet" -title "Serpent Amulet" -desc "Granted for services to Vanalir and her Mistress, this amulet is designed especially for the Sorceress Lylia. It provides a scaling bonus to spell attack and save DCs (+1 that increases to +2 at 10th level and +3 at 15th level) and has a number of charges equal to her proficiency bonus. For a single charge, while casting a spell, Lylia can reroll all 1s on the damage dice and ignore the necrotic resistance of her target. Once per day, Lylia can, as either a bonus action or as part of the use of sorcery points, expend all remaining charges of the amulet to provide a number of sorcery points equal to the remaining charges. If used as part of a use of sorcery points, these new ones can be used to fuel that use as well.  The wielder can also expend all charges when casting a necrotic spell to deal maximum damage instead of rolling." -min 0 -max proficiencyBonus -value proficiencyBonus -type bubble