Molten Chains

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Very Rare, Requires Attunement



Granted for service to Vanalir and her mistress, This Sickle attached to an unholy chain that is constantly burning was granted to Thar for their dedication to protecting Vanalir and its people. The weapon grows stronger as its wielder continues to use it, providing a weapon bonus of +1 at level 5, +2 at level 10, and +3 at level 15.

    • GET OVER HERE!:** As a bonus action, Thar can choose to send the molten chain attached to the Sickle towards a creature in range and it must make a Strength saving throw. He can only target One creature at a time, up to half is proficiency bonus per long rest. title: "Molten Chains: Ranged Attack"

On a Fail: The target takes {weapbonus}d6[fire] damage as the sickle wraps and impales them. The target is pulled 5ft towards Thar and the target is wrapped in magical chains of fire and restrained. The restrained target takes {proficiencyBonus}d6[fire] damage at the start of each of its turns. At the end of each of its turn, it roll a str saving throw to see if its continued to be restrained, ending the effect on itself on a success. If it fails, it is pulled an additional 5ft until it is next to Thar. While the target is Restrained. Thar cannot make a Melee attack Using this weapon. He can only target one creature at a time, up to half his proficiency bonus. On a Success: The target takes {weapbonus}d6[fire] damage and is pulled 5 ft towards thar direction, but the target is not restrained.


!cc create "Molten Chains" -title "Molten Chains" -reset long -type bubble -min 0 -max proficiencyBonus//2 -value proficiencyBonus//2 -desc "As a bonus action, Thar can choose to send the molten chain attached to the Sickle towards a creature in range and it must make a Strength saving throw. He can only target One creature at a time, up to half is proficiency bonus per long rest."

_v: 2
name: Molten Chains
  - type: condition
    condition: level > 10
      - type: condition
        condition: level > 15
          - type: variable
            name: weapbonus
            value: "3"
          - type: variable
            name: weapbonus
            value: "2"
      - type: variable
        name: weapbonus
        value: "1"
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == ""
      - type: text
        text: >-
          Granted for service to Vanalir and her mistress, This Sickle attached to
          an unholy chain that is constantly burning was granted to Thar for
          their dedication to protecting Vanalir and its people. The weapon
          grows stronger as its wielder continues to use it, providing a weapon
          bonus of +1 at level 5, +2 at level 10, and +3 at level 15.

          `-choice atk`: The target takes {weapbonus}d6[fire]  + {strengthMod} + {weapbonus}[slashing] damage as Thar swings the flaming Sickle towards them.

          `-choice chains`: **GET OVER HERE!:** As a bonus action, Thar can choose to send the molten chain attached to the Sickle towards a creature in range and it must make a Strength saving throw.
        title: Molten Chains
      - type: text
        text: The target takes {weapbonus}d6[fire] damage as the sickle wraps and
          impales them. The target is pulled 5ft towards Thar and the target is
          wrapped in magical chains of fire and restrained. The restrained
          target takes {proficiencyBonus}d6[fire] damage at the start of each of
          its turns. At the end of each of its turn, it roll a str saving throw
          to see if its continued to be restrained, ending the effect on itself
          on a success. If it fails, it is pulled an additional 5ft until it is
          next to Thar. While the target is Restrained. Thar cannot make a Melee
          attack Using this weapon. He can only target one creature at a time,
          up to half his proficiency bonus.
        title: "On a fail:"
      - type: text
        text: The target takes {weapbonus}d6[fire] damage and is pulled 5 ft towards
          thar direction, but the target is not restrained.
        title: "On a success:"
    onFalse: []
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == "atk"
      - type: text
        text: >-
          Granted for service to Vanalir and her mistress, This Sickle attached to
          an unholy chain that is constantly burning was granted to Thar for
          their dedication to protecting Vanalir and its people. The weapon
          grows stronger as its wielder continues to use it, providing a weapon
          bonus of +1 at level 5, +2 at level 10, and +3 at level 15.

          The target takes {weapbonus}d6[fire]  + {strengthMod} + {weapbonus}[slashing] damage
        title: "Molten Chains: Sickle Melee attack"
      - type: target
        target: all
          - type: attack
              - type: damage
                damage: "{weapbonus}d6[fire]  + {strengthMod} + {weapbonus}[slashing] "
            miss: []
            attackBonus: proficiencyBonus + strengthMod + weapbonus
    onFalse: []
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == "chains"
      - type: counter
        counter: Molten Chains
        amount: "1"
        errorBehaviour: raise
      - type: variable
        name: curse
        value: "0"
      - type: text
        text: >-
          Granted for service to Vanalir and her mistress, This Sickle attached to
          an unholy chain that is constantly burning was granted to Thar for
          their dedication to protecting Vanalir and its people. The weapon
          grows stronger as its wielder continues to use it, providing a weapon
          bonus of +1 at level 5, +2 at level 10, and +3 at level 15.

          **GET OVER HERE!:** As a bonus action, Thar can choose to send the molten chain attached to the Sickle towards a creature in range and it must make a Strength saving throw. He can only target One creature at a time, up to half is proficiency bonus per long rest.
        title: "Molten Chains: Ranged Attack"
      - type: target
        target: all
          - type: save
            stat: str
              - type: variable
                name: curse
                value: "1"
              - type: text
                text: The target takes {weapbonus}d6[fire] damage as the sickle wraps and
                  impales them. The target is pulled 5ft towards Thar and the
                  target is wrapped in magical chains of fire and restrained.
                  The restrained target takes {proficiencyBonus}d6[fire] damage
                  at the start of each of its turns. At the end of each of its
                  turn, it roll a str saving throw to see if its continued to be
                  restrained, ending the effect on itself on a success. If it
                  fails, it is pulled an additional 5ft until it is next to
                  Thar. While the target is Restrained. Thar cannot make a Melee
                  attack Using this weapon. He can only target one creature at a
                  time, up to half his proficiency bonus.
                title: "On a Fail:"
              - type: damage
                damage: "{weapbonus}d6 [fire]"
              - type: condition
                condition: proficiencyBonus == 1
                  - type: ieffect2
                    name: Restrained
                      - label: Start Restrained
                          - type: target
                            target: self
                              - type: damage
                                damage: 1d6[fire]
                        verb: Burns From Molten Chains
                        style: "4"
                        defaultAttackBonus: proficiencyBonus
                      - label: Break Free?
                          - type: target
                            target: self
                              - type: save
                                stat: str
                                  - type: text
                                    text: ""
                                    title: Fails to escape
                                  - type: text
                                    text: ""
                                    title: Breaks Free of the Chains!
                                  - type: remove_ieffect
                        verb: Attempts to Break Free!
                        style: "1"
                        defaultDC: 10 + strengthMod + proficiencyBonus
                onFalse: []
              - type: condition
                condition: proficiencyBonus == 2
                  - type: ieffect2
                    name: Restrained
                      - label: Start Restrained
                          - type: target
                            target: self
                              - type: damage
                                damage: 2d6[fire]
                        verb: Burns From Molten Chains
                        style: "4"
                        defaultAttackBonus: proficiencyBonus
                      - label: Break Free?
                          - type: target
                            target: self
                              - type: save
                                stat: str
                                  - type: text
                                    text: ""
                                    title: Fails to escape
                                  - type: text
                                    text: ""
                                    title: Breaks Free of the Chains!
                                  - type: remove_ieffect
                        verb: Attempts to Break Free!
                        style: "1"
                        defaultDC: 10 + strengthMod + proficiencyBonus
                onFalse: []
              - type: condition
                condition: proficiencyBonus == 3
                  - type: ieffect2
                    name: Restrained
                      - label: Start Restrained
                          - type: target
                            target: self
                              - type: damage
                                damage: 3d6[fire]
                        verb: Burns From Molten Chains
                        style: "4"
                        defaultAttackBonus: proficiencyBonus
                      - label: Break Free?
                          - type: target
                            target: self
                              - type: save
                                stat: str
                                  - type: text
                                    text: ""
                                    title: Fails to escape
                                  - type: text
                                    text: ""
                                    title: Breaks Free of the Chains!
                                  - type: remove_ieffect
                        verb: Attempts to Break Free!
                        style: "1"
                        defaultDC: 10 + strengthMod + proficiencyBonus
                onFalse: []
              - type: condition
                condition: proficiencyBonus == 4
                  - type: ieffect2
                    name: Restrained
                      - label: Start Restrained
                          - type: target
                            target: self
                              - type: damage
                                damage: 4d6[fire]
                        verb: Burns From Molten Chains
                        style: "4"
                        defaultAttackBonus: proficiencyBonus
                      - label: Break Free?
                          - type: target
                            target: self
                              - type: save
                                stat: str
                                  - type: text
                                    text: ""
                                    title: Fails to escape
                                  - type: text
                                    text: ""
                                    title: Breaks Free of the Chains!
                                  - type: remove_ieffect
                        verb: Attempts to Break Free!
                        style: "1"
                        defaultDC: 10 + strengthMod + proficiencyBonus
                onFalse: []
              - type: condition
                condition: proficiencyBonus == 5
                  - type: ieffect2
                    name: Restrained
                      - label: Start Restrained
                          - type: target
                            target: self
                              - type: damage
                                damage: 5d6[fire]
                        verb: Burns From Molten Chains
                        style: "4"
                        defaultAttackBonus: proficiencyBonus
                      - label: Break Free?
                          - type: target
                            target: self
                              - type: save
                                stat: str
                                  - type: text
                                    text: ""
                                    title: Fails to escape
                                  - type: text
                                    text: ""
                                    title: Breaks Free of the Chains!
                                  - type: remove_ieffect
                        verb: Attempts to Break Free!
                        style: "1"
                        defaultDC: 10 + strengthMod + proficiencyBonus
                onFalse: []
              - type: condition
                condition: proficiencyBonus == 6
                  - type: ieffect2
                    name: Restrained
                      - label: Start Restrained
                          - type: target
                            target: self
                              - type: damage
                                damage: 6d6[fire]
                        verb: Burns From Molten Chains
                        style: "4"
                        defaultAttackBonus: proficiencyBonus
                      - label: Break Free?
                          - type: target
                            target: self
                              - type: save
                                stat: str
                                  - type: text
                                    text: ""
                                    title: Fails to escape
                                  - type: text
                                    text: ""
                                    title: Breaks Free of the Chains!
                                  - type: remove_ieffect
                        verb: Attempts to Break Free!
                        style: "1"
                        defaultDC: 10 + strengthMod + proficiencyBonus
                onFalse: []
              - type: condition
                condition: proficiencyBonus == 7
                  - type: ieffect2
                    name: Restrained
                      - label: Start Restrained
                          - type: target
                            target: self
                              - type: damage
                                damage: 7d6[fire]
                        verb: Burns From Molten Chains
                        style: "4"
                        defaultAttackBonus: proficiencyBonus
                      - label: Break Free?
                          - type: target
                            target: self
                              - type: save
                                stat: str
                                  - type: text
                                    text: ""
                                    title: Fails to escape
                                  - type: text
                                    text: ""
                                    title: Breaks Free of the Chains!
                                  - type: remove_ieffect
                        verb: Attempts to Break Free!
                        style: "1"
                        defaultDC: 10 + strengthMod + proficiencyBonus
                onFalse: []
              - type: text
                text: The target takes {weapbonus}d6[fire] damage and is pulled 5 ft towards
                  thar direction, but the target is not restrained.
                title: "On a Success:"
            dc: 10 + strengthMod + proficiencyBonus
      - type: condition
        condition: curse == 1
          - type: variable
            name: curse
            value: "0"
          - type: target
            target: self
              - type: ieffect2
                name: Cursed
                  - label: Curse Damage
                      - type: target
                        target: self
                          - type: damage
                            damage: 1d4[Cursed Fire]
                    verb: the Curse Flares
                    style: "4"
                  - label: Break Curse
                      - type: remove_ieffect
                    verb: The Chains fall, ending the curse
                    style: "1"
        onFalse: []
    onFalse: []
verb: says **GET OVER HERE** with
proper: true
