Artificer (Avrae)

From Soul Co, Your Home for inclusive DnD

Artificer Avrae Cheatsheet

Basic Artificer Items

Flash of Genius - uses the alias !flashg. !flashg name result will display your use of Flash of Genius, then on whom you used it, then display the new value based on your intelligence modifier. This is display only and will require DM intervention. The result is the final check that they rolled.

!flashg Elvyra 15

Spell Storing Item - uses the alias !ssi. !ssi store spellname stores spells. !ssi casts the spell stored.

!ssi store "cure wounds"
!ssi [-t target]



Experimental Elixir - Uses the !elixir alias. Use !elixir roll to roll your random elixir. It will tell you which elixir you roll.

!elixir roll

Use the following commands:

!elixir hea - Healing Elixir
!elixir fli - Flight Elixir
!elixir bol - Boldness Elixir
!elixir res - Resilience Elixir
!elixir swi - Swiftness Elixir
!elixir tran - Transformation Elixir

Alchemical Savant - uses one of two snippets. dalch is for damage, and halch is for healing.

!cast "Fire Bolt" dalch
!cast "Cure wounds" halch


Lightning Launcher - uses the ilight snippet to add the extra damage once per turn

!a launcher ilight

Defensive Field - uses the !df alias to add the temp hp



Eldritch Cannon - uses the alias !artillery.

!artillery summon - creates the cannons and adds them to initiative

Arcane Firearm - uses the snippet afire

!cast fireball afire

Fortified Position - contact Drak for an action to provide the cover field. The rest of it is automated already in actions.


Steel Defender - uses the !summon steel alias. This adds the defender to combat. Use !map -t steel -move a1 to move it. !i a rend will attack with its rend. DO NOT use the repair ability from from here. Use the !repair alias. !deflect is used for the Deflect Attack. Adding -t will deal the force damage once you reach level 15.

!summon steel
!deflect -t badguy

Arcane Jolt - uses the !ajolt alias. !ajolt heal will heal. !ajolt damage will damage. Both allow -t to target, and you can add crit to the end if the originating attack was a critical too.

!ajolt damage -t badguy
!ajolt heal -t ally


NOTE: Make sure you have already used !manage infu to add the infusion to your list.

!manage infu add "Repulsion Shield"

Mind Sharpener - uses the alias !sharp. Use !conc for your concentration checks, then you can use !sharp to restore the spell. Use -t to target anyone that it originally targeted, and -l if it was a higher level.

!sharp -t ally1 -t ally2 -t ally3 -l 5

Spell-Refueling Ring - uses the alias !sfuel (spell level).

!sfuel 2

Repulsion Shield - uses the !repulsion alias
