Longshadow, the Gloomstalker's Harbinger

From Soul Co, Your Home for inclusive DnD

Very Rare, Requires Attunement



Granted for services to Faeyis and her mistress, crafted from the rarest woods of the Feywild jungles of Faeyis, Longshadow, the Gloomstalker's Harbringer, has an air of mystery and malice. Standing 6 feet tall, it is strangely warm to touch, it's surface adorned with twisting vines, entangled thorns, and glowing runes that pulse softly with a deep, otherworldy energy. The bowstring, said to be made from the hair of an ancient fallen fey queen, hums a haunting melody with every pull. The grip, fashioned from a bone of a forgotten beast of the jungle, fits comfortably in the hand, inviting one to unleash its devastating potential.


name: "Longshadow, the Gloomstalker\u2019s Harbinger"
- type: text
  text: "Granted for services to Faeyis and her mistress, crafted from the rarest\
    \ woods of the Feywild jungles of Faeyis, Longshadow, the Gloomstalker\u2019s\
    \ Harbringer, has an air of mystery and malice. Standing 6 feet tall, it is strangely\
    \ warm to touch, it\u2019s surface adorned with twisting vines, entangled thorns,\
    \ and glowing runes that pulse softly with a deep, otherworldy energy. The bowstring,\
    \ said to be made from the hair of an ancient fallen fey queen, hums a haunting\
    \ melody with every pull. The grip, fashioned from a bone of a forgotten beast\
    \ of the jungle, fits comfortably in the hand, inviting one to unleash its devastating\
    \ potential."
  title: Effect
- type: variable
  name: weapmod
  value: dexterityMod
- type: condition
  condition: level >= 10
  - type: condition
    condition: level >= 15
    - type: variable
      name: weaponbonus
      value: '3'
    - type: variable
      name: weaponbonus
      value: '2'
    errorBehaviour: 'false'
  - type: variable
    name: weaponbonus
    value: '1'
  errorBehaviour: 'false'
- type: condition
  condition: choice == "gloom"
  - type: counter
    counter: Sphere of Gloom
    amount: '1'
    allowOverflow: false
    errorBehaviour: raise
  - type: target
    target: self
    - type: ieffect2
      name: Sphere of Gloom
      duration: '10'
      effects: null
      - attack:
          name: Spread sphere
          - type: target
            target: each
            - type: ieffect2
              name: In the Sphere
              duration: ieffect.remaining
              effects: null
              attacks: []
              - label: Leave Sphere
                - type: remove_ieffect
                verb: leaves the Sphere of Gloom
                style: '4'
                defaultDC: null
                defaultAttackBonus: null
                defaultCastingMod: null
              end: false
              conc: false
              desc: Lasts while within the 10-feet sphere
              stacking: false
              save_as: null
              parent: ieffect
              target_self: false
              tick_on_caster: false
          _v: 2
          proper: true
          verb: begins to
        defaultDC: null
        defaultAttackBonus: null
        defaultCastingMod: null
      buttons: []
      end: false
      conc: false
      desc: Additionally, once per day, upon succesfully hitting a target, the psychic
        energy coursing through the bow releases a 15-foot radius of gloom that lasts
        for 1 minute, causing disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks within the
        area and reducing visibility to 10 feet.
      stacking: false
      save_as: gloom
      parent: null
      target_self: false
      tick_on_caster: false
  - type: target
    target: each
    - type: ieffect2
      name: In the Sphere
      duration: '10'
      effects: null
      attacks: []
      - label: Leave Sphere
        - type: remove_ieffect
        verb: leaves the Sphere
        style: '4'
        defaultDC: null
        defaultAttackBonus: null
        defaultCastingMod: null
      end: false
      conc: false
      desc: Lasts while within 30 feet of {{caster.name}}
      stacking: false
      save_as: null
      parent: aura
      target_self: false
      tick_on_caster: false
  - type: text
    text: Additionally, once per day, upon succesfully hitting a target ( use `-choice
      gloom` ) , the psychic energy coursing through the bow releases a 15-foot radius
      of gloom that lasts for 1 minute, causing disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception)
      checks within the area and reducing visibility to 10 feet.
    title: Sphere of Gloom
  - type: target
    target: all
    - type: attack
      - type: damage
        damage: 1d8 [magical piercing] + {weapmod} + {weaponbonus}
        overheal: false
      miss: []
      attackBonus: proficiencyBonus + weapmod + weaponbonus
  - type: text
    text: Longshadow, the Gloomstalker's Harbinger, grants the wielder a +1/+2/+3
      bonus to ranged attacks. When you are unseen by your target, your crit range
      increases to 19-20.  Once per turn, while you are unseen, you may add a number
      of d4s equal to your proficiency bonus to the damage roll of an attack. Additionally,
      once per day, upon successfully hitting a target ( use `-choice gloom` ) ,the
      psychic energy coursing through the bow releases a 15-foot radius of gloom that
      lasts for 1 minute, causing disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks within
      the area and reducing visibility to 10 feet.
    title: .
  errorBehaviour: 'false'
_v: 2
proper: true
thumb: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1235365623995830384/1235387987106332672/IMG_3237.png