A quick little terminology guide.
Avrae - is a b****. We know this. She is mean and doesn't like to give people good rolls.
Alias - Anything that starts with a !. Avrae has a bunch of built in stuff, but we also have custom written aliases too.
Snippet - words added to the end of an attack or action to do things to it. Like `!a mace adv`. !a mace attacks with a mace, the snippet adv makes you roll with advantage.
Global Items
These are your generic items. Each class has its own page, where the class and subclass features will have their aliases and snippets detailed.
Advantage and Disadvantage - uses the snippet adv or dis. Adding both will cancel out and provide a straight roll. This is useful for effects that automatically provide advantage or disadvantage, like items or initiative effects.
!a mace adv !c stealth dis
Bonus to rolls - If something has a bonus to rolls, use -b #. Many effects and abilities have snippets or aliases for them; these should be used whenever possible.
!a longsword -b 3 !c persuasion -b 1
Bonus to damage - If something adds a bonus to damage or healing, use -d #. If it is a healing bonus, make sure it's negative.
!a longsword -d 3 !cast "cure wounds" -d -3
Rerolls/Multiple rolls - If you have multiple rolls you need to make, like multiple saves or multiple attacks, use can use -rr #.
!a longsword -rr 3
Concentration Checks - !conc will roll your concentration checks in combat. Adding -dc lets you specify its DC. It will automatically drop concentration if you fail. NOTE: if you have Warcaster, use !manage feat add Warcaster. It will make !conc automatically roll at advantage for you.
!conc -dc 13
Soul Co/Vanalir Avrae Downtime
Fishing - !fish alias. Can accept -b, adv, and the guidance snippet. This should only be done in specified locations.
!fish -b 1 adv guidance
Working - !job alias. Check the Jobs section on server for where you can perform the various jobs!
!job perception
Foraging/Farming - Stay Tuned!