Codex Aetheris

From Soul Co, Your Home for inclusive DnD

Very Rare, Requires Attunement



Granted for service to Vanalir and her Mistress, the Codex Aetheris is a much coveted spellbook. Crafted within its pages are secrets to Graviturgy magic, allowing even the unitiated Wizard to learn its power. It serves as a spellbook and spell focus for a wizard, granting +2 to spell saves DCs and spell attack bonuses.

But there is an odd celestial magic to it as well...when a celestial evocation wizard is in Revelation and chooses to sculpt a spell, they can forego the extra damage they would usually deal. As a bonus action, they can instead allow up to a number of allies equal to half their proficiency bonus that they chose to sculpt to spell around to regain hit points equal to their proficiency bonus. This ability can be used up to twice per long rest.


name: Celestial Reversal
type: counter
  counter: Celestial Reversal
  amount: "1"
type: target
target: all
type: damage
  damage: -{proficiencyBonus}
  overheal: false
type: text
text: Granted by the powers of the Codex Aetheris, whenever you are in Celestial
  Revelation, instead of adding the damage to your spells, you may instead
  use your heritage to heal your allies.  When you sculpt your spells, you
  may choose not to deal the extra damage.  Instead, you may use your bonus
  action to restore a number of hit points equal to your proficiency
  modifier to a number of allies up to half your proficiency bonus that you
  sculpted your spells to avoid.
title: Effect
_v: 2
verb: heals with their
proper: true


!cc create "Celestial Reversal" -title "Celestial Reversal" -desc "Granted by the powers of the Codex Aetheris, whenever you are in Celestial Revelation, instead of adding the damage to your spells, you may instead use your heritage to heal your allies.  When you sculpt your spells, you may choose not to deal the extra damage.  Instead, you may use your bonus action to restore a number of hit points equal to your proficiency modifier to a number of allies up to half your proficiency bonus that you sculpted your spells to avoid." -reset long -min 0 -max 2 -type star

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