Dragonfire Gauntlets

From Soul Co, Your Home for inclusive DnD

Very Rare



Granted for services to Vanalir and her Mistress, these gauntlets represent the power of Dragonfire. They can be struck together as a bonus action to cause flames to leap from them, adding an additional 1d4 fire damage to all unarmed strikes for a minute.

Should 3 strikes be landed in a single round, the wielder can use their reaction to enter a state called "Enter the Dragon". For the next minute, their unarmed attacks have a range of 15 feet. In addition, they can as a reaction to being damaged, they can retaliate up to 15 feet away with an attack that deals a number of d4s equal to their proficiency bonus in fire damage on a failed dexterity save with a DC of 8 + Prof Bonus + Wi Modifier. On a success, the target only takes half damage. The wielder's AC increases by 2 as well, and once per turn, they may forgo one of their normal attacks to strike with a range of 120/600 ft. This attack uses the damage of this weapon, but it cannot be used with any other monk abilities. Enter the Dragon can also be entered as a bonus action instead without needing to land the 3 strikes.


name: Dragonfire Gauntlets
  - type: variable
    name: used
    value: "0"
  - type: variable
    name: monklevel
    value: MonkLevel
    onError: "0"
  - type: condition
    condition: strengthMod > dexterityMod
      - type: variable
        name: weapmod
        value: strengthMod
      - type: variable
        name: weapmod
        value: dexterityMod
    errorBehaviour: "false"
  - type: condition
    condition: level > 10
      - type: condition
        condition: level > 15
          - type: variable
            name: weapbonus
            value: "3"
          - type: variable
            name: weapbonus
            value: "2"
        errorBehaviour: "false"
      - type: variable
        name: weapbonus
        value: "1"
    errorBehaviour: "false"
  - type: condition
    condition: monklevel < 5
      - type: variable
        name: weapdamage
        value: "4"
      - type: condition
        condition: monklevel < 11
          - type: variable
            name: weapdamage
            value: "6"
          - type: condition
            condition: monklevel < 17
              - type: variable
                name: weapdamage
                value: "8"
              - type: variable
                name: weapdamage
                value: "10"
    errorBehaviour: "true"
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == "enter"
      - type: target
        target: self
          - type: ieffect2
            name: Enter the Dragon
            duration: "10"
              ac_bonus: "2"
              - attack:
                  _v: 2
                  name: Retaliatory Strike
                    - type: target
                      target: all
                        - type: save
                          stat: dex
                            - type: damage
                              damage: "{proficiencyBonus}d4 [fire]"
                            - type: damage
                              damage: "{proficiencyBonus}d4/2 [fire]"
                          dc: 8+wisdomMod+proficiencyBonus
                        - type: text
                          text: The wielder may strike out at anyone hitting them with an attack, deal a
                            number of d4s equal to their proficiency bonus of
                            fire damage to the attacker as a reaction if the
                            target fails a Dexterity Saving Throw with a DC of 8
                            + Proficiency Bonus + Wisdom Modifier.  On a
                            success, they take half damage instead
                  verb: responds with
                  activation_type: 4
      - type: text
        text: >-
          If 3 or more strikes land in a single round, the wielder may use their
          reaction to activate Enter the Dragon.  For one minute:

          All attacks have a range of 15 ft

          AC increases by 2. The wielder may strike out at anyone hitting them with an attack, deal a number of d4s equal to their proficiency bonus of fire damage to the attacker as a reaction.

          Once per round, the wielder may substitute a single ranged weapon attack for any unarmed attack, with a range of 120/600 ft.  This attack deals the normal damage at that range but cannot be used to activate monk abilities.

          Enter the dragon may also be triggered directly as a bonus action.
      - type: variable
        name: used
        value: "1"
    onFalse: []
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == "imbue"
      - type: target
        target: self
          - type: ieffect2
            name: Imbued Strikes
            duration: "10"
            desc: add 1d4 fire damage to your attacks using `dragonfire` snippet
          - type: text
            text: Striking these knuckles together as a bonus action causes flames to leap
              from them.  For 1 minute, the wielder adds 1d4 fire damage to
              their unarmed strikes with these gauntlets.
      - type: variable
        name: used
        value: "1"
    onFalse: []
  - type: condition
    condition: used == 0
      - type: target
        target: all
          - type: attack
              - type: damage
                damage: 1d{weapdamage} + {weapbonus} + {weapmod} [bludgeoning]
            miss: []
            attackBonus: proficiencyBonus + weapbonus + weapmod
    onFalse: []
  - type: text
    text: >-
      Granted for services to Vanalir and her Mistress, these gauntlets
      represent the power of Dragonfire.  They can be struck together as a bonus
      action to cause flames to leap from them, adding an additional 1d4 fire
      damage to all unarmed strikes for a minute.

      Should 3 strikes be landed in a single round, the wielder can use their reaction to enter a state called "Enter the Dragon".  For the next minute, their unarmed attacks have a range of 15 feet.  In addition, they can as a reaction to being damaged, they can retaliate up to 15 feet away with an attack that deals a number of d4s equal to their proficiency bonus in fire damage on a failed dexterity save with a DC of 8 + Prof Bonus + Wi Modifier.  On a success, the target only takes half damage.  The wielder's AC increases by 2 as well, and once per turn, they may forgo one of their normal attacks to strike with a range of 120/600 ft.  This attack uses the damage of this weapon, but it cannot be used with any other monk abilities.  Enter the Dragon can also be entered as a bonus action instead without needing to land the 3 strikes.
_v: 2
proper: true
verb: assaults with their
thumb: https://images.mysoulco.com/albums/Items/Dragonfire_Gauntlets_Final.jpeg