Eclipse Frostplate

From Soul Co, Your Home for inclusive DnD

Very Rare, Requires Attunement



Granted for services to Vanalir and her Mistress, this plate has a

     haunting aura about it, a shadow of its former owner.  It provides an
     additional +1 to AC as well as resistance to necrotic damage.  The wielder
     can, instead of their usual twilight aura, activate one borne of the
     spirit haunting it.  Instead of bolstering their allies, the wielder can
     force enemies within the aura to make a Constitution saving throw at  the
     end of their turns.  If the target fails, they take 1d6 cold and 1d6
     necrotic damage as the frozen spirit lashes out.  If they pass, they take
     half the damage instead.


!attack import _v: 2
name: Eclipse Frostplate
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == "embrace"
      - type: target
        target: all
          - type: save
            stat: con
              - type: damage
                damage: 1d6 [necrotic] + 1d6 [cold]
                overheal: false
              - type: damage
                damage: 1d6/2 [necrotic] + 1d6/2 [cold]
                overheal: false
            dc: spell_dc
      - type: text
        text: The wielder can, instead of their usual twilight aura, activate a
          different kind, one borne of the spirit haunting it.  Instead of
          bolstering their allies, the wielder can force enemies within the aura
          to make a Constitution saving throw at  the end of their turns.  If
          the target fails, they take 1d6 cold and 1d6 necrotic damage as the
          frozen spirit lashes out.  If they pass, they take half the damage
        title: Frost's Embrace
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: neither
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == "echoes"
      - type: counter
        counter: Echoes of Twilight
        amount: "1"
        allowOverflow: false
        errorBehaviour: raise
      - type: target
        target: all
          - type: roll
            dice: "{proficiencyBonus}d8"
            name: dmg
            hidden: false
            displayName: Damage
          - type: save
            stat: con
              - type: damage
                damage: "{dmg}/2 [necrotic] + {dmg}/2 [cold]"
                overheal: false
              - type: damage
                damage: "{dmg}/4 [necrotic] + {dmg}/4 [cold]"
                overheal: false
            dc: spell_dc
          - type: text
            text: As a reaction to taking damage, the spirit energy can lash out. The target
              must make a Constitution saving throw or take damage. This damage
              is equal to a number of d8s equal to the wearer's proficiency
              bonus. Half of the damage rolled is necrotic and half is cold. The
              target takes half damage on a successful save. This ability can be
              used 3 times per long rest.
            title: Echoes of Twilight
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: neither
  - type: text
    text: >-
      Granted for services to Vanalir and her Mistress, this plate has a
      haunting aura about it, a shadow of its former owner.  It provides an
      additional +1 to AC as well as resistance to necrotic damage.  The wielder
      can, instead of their usual twilight aura, activate one borne of the
      spirit haunting it.  Instead of bolstering their allies, the wielder can
      force enemies within the aura to make a Constitution saving throw at  the
      end of their turns.  If the target fails, they take 1d6 cold and 1d6
      necrotic damage as the frozen spirit lashes out.  If they pass, they take
      half the damage instead. `-choice embrace`

      In addition, as a reaction to taking damage, the spirit energy can lash out.  The target must make a Constitution saving throw or take damage.  This damage is equal to a number of d8s equal to the wearer's proficiency bonus.  Half of the damage rolled is necrotic and half is cold.  The target takes half damage on a successful save.  This ability can be used 3 times per long rest. `-choice echoes`
    title: Effect
verb: manifests their
proper: true