Necklace of the Damned

From Soul Co, Your Home for inclusive DnD

Very Rare, Requires Attunement



Granted for services to Vanalir and her Mistress, the Necklace of the damned is a powerful magical item. Upon reducing a creature to 0 hit points, the necklace siphons a bit of the life essence from the creature, adding one charge to it. While the item has any charges, it provides +1 to spell save DCs spell attack rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 10th level and +3 at 15th level. Usage: bolster, cast, call."

"snippet: `notd` for the bonus to spells \n\n It has a maximum of 3 charges, which can be used as follows:

1 charge can be consumed as a bonus action to add 1d10 + proficiency bonus temporary HP.

`bolster` -1 charge can be consumed while casting a damaging spell to treat every die roll of 1 as 2 for that casting only.

`cast` -All 3 charges can be consumed as an action to conjure forth a single skeleton or zombie from the life essence contained therein. This creature is treated as if it was created by a casting of Animate Dead. The caster can elect, as a bonus action, to consume this specific undead to refund a single charge. `call skeleton` or `call zombie`.

Use `!notd consume` when reducing a creature to 0 to charge a counter."


#cc format for reference: create_cc(name, minVal, maxVal, reset, dispType, reset_to, reset_by, title, desc)
cc="Necklace of the Damned"
foot = "!notd | created by DrakurRedragon for TrashPanda"
F = "Necklace of the Damned|Granted for services to Vanalir and her Mistress, the Necklace of the damned is a powerful magical item.  Upon reducing a creature to 0 hit points, the necklace siphons a bit of the life essence from the creature, adding one charge to it.  While the item has any charges, it provides +1 to spell save DCs spell attack rolls.  This bonus increases to +2 at 10th level and +3 at 15th level.  Usage: bolster, cast, call."
F2 = "Usage| snippet: `notd` for the bonus to spells \n\n   It has a maximum of 3 charges, which can be used as follows: \n\n 1 charge can be consumed as a bonus action to add 1d10 + proficiency bonus temporary HP. `bolster` \n\n 1 charge can be consumed while casting a damaging spell to treat every die roll of 1 as 2 for that casting only. `cast` \n\n All 3 charges can be consumed as an action to conjure forth a single skeleton or zombie from the life essence contained therein.  This creature is treated as if it was created by a casting of Animate Dead.  The caster can elect, as a bonus action, to consume this specific undead to refund a single charge. `call skeleton` or `call zombie`. \n\n Use `!notd consume` when reducing a creature to 0 to charge a counter."
pic = ""

ch.create_cc_nx(name=cc, minVal=0, maxVal=3, reset=None, dispType="star", title=cc, desc="Necklace of the Damned", initial_value=0)

if not &ARGS&:
	return f'embed -title "Necklaces of the Damned" -f "{F}" -f "{F2}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb {pic}'

#bonus set

if level < 10:
	itembonus = 1
elif level < 15:
	itembonus = 2
	itembonus = 3

a = &ARGS&

if a[0].lower() == "bolster":
	if ch.get_cc(cc) < 1:
		return f'embed -title "Bolster: Not Enough Charges" -desc "1 charge can be consumed as a bonus action to add 1d10 + proficiency bonus temporary HP." -f "There arent enough charges to use this!" -f "{F}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb {pic}'
		tmphp = roll('1d10')+proficiencyBonus
		ch.mod_cc(cc, -1)
		if ch.temp_hp > tmphp:
			return f'embed -title "Bolster: Temp HP Higher" -desc "1 charge can be consumed as a bonus action to add 1d10 + proficiency bonus temporary HP." -f "Your temp HP was higher.  Value not changed." -footer "{foot}" -thumb {pic}'
			ch.mod_cc(cc, -1)
			return f'embed -title "Bolster" -desc "1 charge can be consumed as a bonus action to add 1d10 + proficiency bonus temporary HP."'

elif a[0].lower() == "cast":
	if ch.get_cc(cc) < 1:
		return f'embed -title "Cast: Not Enough Charges" -desc "1 charge can be consumed while casting a damaging spell to treat every die roll of 1 as 2 for that casting only." -f "There arent enough charges to use this!" -f "{F}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb {pic}'
		ch.mod_cc(cc, -1)
		return f'cast {a[1]} {a} -mi 2 -phrase "Using the Necklace, charges left: {ch.get_cc(cc)}"'

elif a[0].lower() == "call":
	if ch.get_cc(cc) < 3:
		return f'embed -title "Call: Not Enough Charges" -desc "All 3 charges can be consumed as an action to conjure forth a single skeleton or zombie from the life essence contained therein.  This creature is treated as if it was created by a casting of Animate Dead.  The caster can elect, as a bonus action, to consume this specific undead to refund a single charge." -f "There arent enough charges to use this!" -f "{F}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb {pic}'
			init = int(combat().me.init)
			return f'embed -title "Necklace of the Damned: Call" -desc "You must be in combat to use this." -footer "{foot}" -thumb {pic}'	
			critter = a[1].lower()
			return f'embed -title "Necklace of the Damned: Call" -desc "Please select `call skeleton` or `call zombie`." -footer "{foot}" -thumb {pic}'	
		if critter in {'skeleton', 'zombie'}:
			critter = a[1].lower()
			ch.mod_cc(cc, -3)
			return f'embed -title "Necklace of the Damned: Call" -desc "Please select `call skeleton` or `call zombie`." -footer "{foot}" -thumb {pic}'	
		return f'multiline \n!i madd {critter} -p {init} -name "{name}s {critter}" \n!embed -title "Necklace of the Damned: Call" -desc "{critter} added to combat!" -footer "{foot}" -thumb {pic}'
elif a[0].lower() == "consume":
	ch.mod_cc(cc, 1)
	return f'embed -title "Necklace of the Damned: Consume" -desc "The life force is consumed.  New charges: {ch.get_cc(cc)}" -footer "{foot}" -thumb {pic}'
	return f'embed -title "Necklaces of the Damned" -f "{F}" -footer "{foot}"'