Solar's Wrath

From Soul Co, Your Home for inclusive DnD

Very Rare, Requires Attunement



Granted for service to Faeyis and her mistress, Solar's Wrath is little more than a double haft at first glance. Once a button is pressed, it flares to life, with twin blades of pure light springing into being. This weapon deals 2d4 radiant damage on a successful hit. When taking the attack action, the wielder may make an additional attack as a bonus action, dealing 1d4 instead of 2d4 radiant damage.

Bloodlust can be used against a target that has taken damage up to a number of times equal to the wielder's proficiency modifier. It provides additional damage as per barbarian's rage for the turn that it is active, requiring only one use if the wielder has multiple attacks. At 9th level, on a critical, it will also allow its wielder to make an additional attack once per turn as part of the same attack action. At 15th level, this also deals an additional 2d4 radiant damage.


!cc create "Bloodlust" -title Bloodlust -reset long -type bubble -min 0 -max {proficiencyBonus} -value {proficiencyBonus} -desc "Bloodlust can be used against a target that has taken damage up to a number of times equal to the wielder's proficiency modifier.  It provides additional damage as per barbarian's rage for the turn that it is active, requiring only one use if the wielder has multiple attacks.  At 9th level, on a critical, it will also allow its wielder to make an additional attack once per turn as part of the same attack action.  At 15th level, this also deals an additional 2d4 radiant damage."


name: Solar's Wrath
  - type: condition
    condition: strengthMod > dexterityMod
      - type: variable
        name: weapmod
        value: strengthMod
      - type: variable
        name: weapmod
        value: dexterityMod
    errorBehaviour: "false"
  - type: condition
    condition: "{level} > 10"
      - type: condition
        condition: "{level} > 15"
          - type: variable
            name: weapbonus
            value: "3"
          - type: variable
            name: weapbonus
            value: "2"
        errorBehaviour: "false"
      - type: variable
        name: weapbonus
        value: "1"
    errorBehaviour: "false"
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == "attack"
      - type: text
        text: Granted for service to Faeyis and her mistress, Solar's Wrath is little
          more than a double haft at first glance.  Once a button is pressed, it
          flares to life, with twin blades of pure light springing into
          being.  This weapon deals 2d4 radiant damage on a successful
          hit.  When taking the attack action, the wielder may make an
          additional attack as a bonus action, dealing 1d4 instead of 2d4
          radiant damage.
        title: Effect
      - type: target
        target: all
          - type: attack
              - type: damage
                damage: 2d4 + {weapbonus} + {weapmod}[radiant]
                overheal: false
            miss: []
            attackBonus: proficiencyBonus + weapmod + weapbonus
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: "false"
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == "bonus"
      - type: text
        text: Granted for service to Faeyis and her mistress, Solar's Wrath is little
          more than a double haft at first glance.  Once a button is pressed, it
          flares to life, with twin blades of pure light springing into
          being.  This weapon deals 2d4 radiant damage on a successful
          hit.  When taking the attack action, the wielder may make an
          additional attack as a bonus action, dealing 1d4 instead of 2d4
          radiant damage.
        title: Effect
      - type: target
        target: all
          - type: attack
              - type: damage
                damage: 1d4 + {weapbonus} + {weapmod}[radiant]
                overheal: false
            miss: []
            attackBonus: proficiencyBonus + weapmod + weapbonus
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: "false"
  - type: condition
    condition: choice == "bloodlust"
      - type: text
        text: >-
          Granted for service to Faeyis and her mistress, Solar's Wrath is little
          more than a double haft at first glance.  Once a button is pressed, it
          flares to life, with twin blades of pure light springing into
          being.  This weapon deals 2d4 radiant damage on a successful
          hit.  When taking the attack action, the wielder may make an
          additional attack as a bonus action, dealing 1d4 instead of 2d4
          radiant damage.

          Bloodlust can be used against a target that has taken damage up to a number of times equal to the wielder's proficiency modifier.  It provides additional damage as per barbarian's rage for the turn that it is active, requiring only one use if the wielder has multiple attacks.  At 9th level, on a critical, it will also allow its wielder to make an additional attack once per turn as part of the same attack action.  At 15th level, this also deals an additional 2d4 radiant damage.
        title: Bloodlust
      - type: counter
        counter: Bloodlust
        amount: "1"
        errorBehaviour: raise
      - type: condition
        condition: level > 8
          - type: condition
            condition: level > 15
              - type: variable
                name: ragedmg
                value: "4"
              - type: variable
                name: brutcrit
                value: "1"
                onError: "0"
              - type: variable
                name: ragedmg
                value: "3"
            errorBehaviour: "false"
          - type: variable
            name: ragedmg
            value: "2"
        errorBehaviour: "false"
      - type: target
        target: all
          - type: attack
              - type: damage
                damage: 2d4 + {weapbonus} + {weapmod} + {ragedmg} [radiant]
                overheal: false
              - type: condition
                condition: lastAttackNaturalRoll == 20
                  - type: condition
                    condition: brutcrit == 1
                      - type: damage
                        damage: 2d4 [radiant]
                        overheal: false
                      - type: text
                        text: The target takes an additional 2d4 radiant damage on top of the normal
                          critical hit dice.  In addition, the wielder may make
                          another attack.  This can only occur once per turn;
                          further critical hits do not generate additional
                        title: Bloodlust Critical
                      - type: condition
                        condition: level > 8
                          - type: text
                            text: The wielder may make another attack.  This can only occur once per turn;
                              further critical hits do not generate additional
                            title: Additional Attack
                        onFalse: []
                        errorBehaviour: "false"
                    errorBehaviour: "false"
                onFalse: []
                errorBehaviour: "false"
            miss: []
            attackBonus: proficiencyBonus + weapmod + weapbonus
    onFalse: []
    errorBehaviour: "false"
_v: 2
proper: true