Very Rare, Requires Attunement
Granted for services to Vanalir and her Mistress, The Corrupted Gash is a potent halberd designed to corrupt and decay its target. It grows with its wielder, dealing increasing necrotic damage based on its own magic. In addition, it inflicts each creature it strikes with Corruption if it isn't already Corrupted. That creature must then make a DC {savedc} CON save or take 1d6 necrotic damage. On a success, this corruption is removed.
_v: 2 name: The Corrupted Gash automation: - type: condition condition: level >= 10 onTrue: - type: condition condition: level >= 15 onTrue: - type: variable name: weapmod value: "3" onFalse: - type: variable name: weapmod value: "2" onFalse: - type: variable name: weapbonus value: "1" - type: variable name: savedc value: 8 + proficiencyBonus + strengthMod - type: target target: all effects: - type: attack hit: - type: damage damage: 1d10[slashing] + {weapbonus} + {strengthMod} + {weapbonus}d6[necrotic] - type: ieffect2 name: Corrupted buttons: - automation: - type: target target: self effects: - type: save stat: con fail: - type: damage damage: 1d6[necrotic] success: - type: remove_ieffect label: Save vs Corruption verb: attempts to save against the Corruption style: "4" defaultDC: "{savedc}" miss: [] attackBonus: proficiencyBonus + strengthMod + weapbonus - type: text text: "Granted for services to Vanalir and her Mistress, The Corrupted Gash is a potent halberd designed to corrupt and decay its target. It grows with its wielder, dealing increasing necrotic damage based on its own magic. In addition, it inflicts each creature it strikes with Corruption if it isn't already Corrupted. That creature must then make a DC {savedc} CON save or take 1d6 necrotic damage. On a success, this corruption is removed. " proper: true