Thespia Ironshield

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Thespia Ironshield

Thespia Ironshield




General Arethusa Ironshield - her sister

Pudge - her furbaby badger that usually sits in a sling across her chest.

Home Channel

Nomad's Respite Inn - she is the proprietor of the establishment.

Related Quests

Notable Events

She was kidnapped during the Aaravos storyline and held captive. She was rescued by Newholm.

She has a Sending Stone for Loldri in case of emergencies, as the tavern was trashed on more than one occasion. She now has someone to call if the patrons get rowdy again...

Storyline Knowledge

The Lost Sword of Sorrow

Nothing is known yet...not too many have found themselves in the grove so far.

She Who Swallows the Stars

She knows vaguely of the danger through casual mentions from others and from her sister. She was present during initial meetings with several of the PCs, but she has not been directly engaged on anything.